CNN just called it


Well-Known Member
so, what the blazes was stump trying to spell? not to say anything about the old white guy or the young black guy, but seriously, what the hell was he spelling?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Regarding our new President... I gotta say I think it's very sad that his grandmother passed just ONE DAY before was elected. How sad that she wasn't able to hold on one more day.

While I'm not an Obabma fan.... I feel terribly sad for him.... her passing probably took a lot of the joy out of the day for him. :cry:

R.I.P. Madeyln....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, let's not forget how that same wonderful majority worked together with AMA and big pharma to shoot down a universal healthcare plan.What humanitarians.:roll:
Actually it was the Republican majority in Congress that did that. Bill Clinton reluctantly signed the legislation.

Being Canadian you should know that. :-P


New Member
To me, Obama comes off as a man who you can trust to watch over your children, life savings, and your home.
^^^ And you can just bet your bippy, that as we speak, Pelosi and Reid are in a huddle cumming all over themselves, trying to figure out a way to do exactly that. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Well said Knowm.... To me, Obama comes off as a man who you can trust to watch over your children, life savings, and your home. I think he will do an excellent job, and hopefully will instill some good morals in the people of the United States -- Of course, only time will tell. It would be disappointing to see a man brush off such a huge change in history, and America to earn some side-money.
I don't want the government watching over my children, because I don't trust them to do a good job.

I don't want the government watching over my life savings, because I don't trust them not to keep their hands out of them.

I don't want the government looking after my home, because I know they won't do a good job.


Well-Known Member
Don't cloud the issue with the facts.
An exceedingly ironic statement coming from the likes of you.
Two guys? Two guys helped Obama win a landslide election? These guys also didn't actually stop anyone from voting and they were removed within an hour.
What the two Black Panther wannabes did was intimidate voters while they were there. What other reaction would you have if you had to pass two guys dressed in such a manner, one wielding a nightstick, to enter a polling place on election day?

You don't have a problem with that?

You say they were both there an hour. Well that's an hour too long. Why did the thug with the nightstick leave? The cops showed up and told him he was breaking the law. The other stayed because he had a poll watcher certificate. I'm okay with that, dude can play dress-up if he wishes. But I am not okay the armed guy. The fact that you do not find the incident disturbing is disturbing in itself.

What if they had been tobacco chewing rednecks, one with a pitchfork? Or more accurately, as these clowns were in paramilitary garb like black militants, what if they were tattooed skinheads, one with a baseball bat and one with a poll watcher certificate? Something tells me your response would not be so offhanded.

CNN Political Ticker: Man asked to leave Philly polling place


New Member
An exceedingly ironic statement coming from the likes of you.

What the two Black Panther wannabes did was intimidate voters while they were there. What other reaction would you have if you had to pass two guys dressed in such a manner, one wielding a nightstick, to enter a polling place on election day?

You don't have a problem with that?

You say they were both there an hour. Well that's an hour too long. Why did the thug with the nightstick leave? The cops showed up and told him he was breaking the law. The other stayed because he had a poll watcher certificate. I'm okay with that, dude can play dress-up if he wishes. But I am not okay the armed guy. The fact that you do not find the incident disturbing is disturbing in itself.

What if they had been tobacco chewing rednecks, one with a pitchfork? Or more accurately, as these clowns were in paramilitary garb like black militants, what if they were tattooed skinheads, one with a baseball bat and one with a poll watcher certificate? Something tells me your response would not be so offhanded.

CNN Political Ticker: Man asked to leave Philly polling place
J O...are scared of black folks...they won't hurt you...really...


New Member
I have to side with Johnny on this. Thugs of any color have no place at a poll, unless they are there to vote, then they should stay in line with the rest of the voters and not intimidate the other voters. It is actually a Felony to intimidate a voter at a poll if one can prove it.

(And don’t just let it slide: voter intimidation is a felony. File a complaint with the poll workers if your rights are being violated, and insist on your right to cast what is called a "provisional ballot." )
No Messin’, No Suppressin’: A Voter’s Resource :: EDGE Boston


New Member
A nightstick is classified as a weapon, it should have not been allowed in a polling place. Campaigning is also not allowed within a certain distance of polling places, not even campaign signs. My bullshit meter is going off......


Well-Known Member
A nightstick is classified as a weapon, it should have not been allowed in a polling place. Campaigning is also not allowed within a certain distance of polling places, not even campaign signs. My bullshit meter is going off......
Since when has a law prevented a crime from being committed? Cannabis is illegal, but that does not stop us.

The law comes into play after the offense is committed.

You can read the CNN link yourself. I posted it previously.

YouTube - Black Panther "Security" people intimidating voters at polls


New Member
So who was in charge of the polling place and why didn't they call the men with badges? You wouldn't smoke pot at the polling place would you? Hell no you wouldn't so that isn't really a comparable scenerio.

How do you know it's not just more republican lies? I seem to remember a "B" allegedly being carved into someones face, that was a lie. CNN reported that one too, before they knew it was a lie.


Well-Known Member
So who was in charge of the polling place and why didn't they call the men with badges? You wouldn't smoke pot at the polling place would you? Hell no you wouldn't so that isn't really a comparable scenerio.

How do you know it's not just more republican lies? I seem to remember a "B" allegedly being carved into someones face, that was a lie. CNN reported that one too, before they knew it was a lie.
The comparison was meant to demonstrate that the law by itself does not prevent crime. It was perfectly appropriate.

If it was a hoax, we would have heard something by now, donchathink? CNN would publicize it, no?

After all, the "B" story sorted itself out pretty quick. Within 24 hours if I remember correctly.