CNN - Study: Alcohol 'most harmful drug,' followed by crack and heroin


Well-Known Member
London, England (CNN) -- Alcohol ranks "most harmful" among a list of 20 drugs -- beating out crack and heroin -- according to study results released by a British medical journal.
A panel of experts weighed the physical, psychological and social problems caused by the drugs and determined that alcohol was the most harmful overall, according to an article on the study released by The Lancet Sunday...


Well-Known Member
i knew it.......... hahahahaha. but yet the government wants us to have "a drink". What a piece of shit the way some people think about alcohol. Alcohol is just fucking an accident waiting to happen. i wish i could walk around with the info provided in my pockets so that next time any stupidd motherfucker want to argue about the side effects of MJ i will just simply pull it out and rub it in their fucking faces. My question is how can people see this but yet are gullible to what the government says about MJ but the min the have proof about alcohol they just brush it off as if it was all a lie. some questions you just cant answer i guess........ sorry i have to post this vid ANC (im pretty sure youve seen it in the funny thread) no disrespect to your thread bro or you for that matter.............


BTW i would much rather be high as fuck then drunk as fuck. atleast im able to function while high as fuck...........