CO2 (carbon dioxide) at Lowes


Active Member
Since i couldn't find anything about these. I thought id contribute since you guys have been such a big help with my first time grow. CO2 is supposed to help with growth and I've only ever been told you have to go to a welding shop to get some. Well i was at Lowes today looking for some stuff to tweak my setup a bit. I didn't find it but i did find CO2 canisters at a reasonable price. There were two sizes i only took a pic of the large one cause after i did an employee started to watch me like i did something suspicious. Sorry for the fuzzy pick of the bottles.



Well-Known Member
Honestly, the addition of CO2 will not help unless you're subjecting your plant to higher temperatures. In lower temperatures, plants do not respirate at the rate they do on a blazing hot day, so the extra CO2 is a waste.

This was actually one of the experiments my Hort. Sci. class did back in high school. At room temp, added CO2 levels just smothered the plants. At higher (90F+) temperatures, the plants thrived with the extra CO2.

CO2 is highly recommended for growers who have problems maintaining a steady 70-75F temp in their closets. Otherwise, don't bother, just spend time with your plants - the CO2 you exhale will be all they require.


New Member
i think the reason people recommend welding or industrial gas supply shops for co2 is the price. No experience with co2 myself but that $35 tank probably wouldn't last long in even a small grow. And with no mention of refilling the cost could get crazy quick. With a welding shop you buy the tank once and refill it when necessary at a much lesser price then these tanks lowes has.

Kinda novel but it just doesn't seem practical to me, besides the expense of a co2 setup is mostly in the monitoring/dosing equipment from what i can see, not the tank.

Good luck but look around before you spend your money


Active Member
CO2 works, have used it for many years with great results. Don't waste your money for 20oz bottle for $35 as posted in your picture which wouldn't even last a 3 days. Invest in a 20lb bottle along with a regulator and of course a timer for truly getting BIG results. The bottle can be refilled at most beverage stores for around $25. Good luck growing!


Well-Known Member
they're cheaper for paintball tanks,,i think 20bucks for a 20oz...i'm gonna do that and get a 20 dollar the tanks are refillable for a few bucks.


Well-Known Member
at my local hydro shop they give you a tank for a $100 deposit, so you can return it at any time, and $20 to refill


Well-Known Member
Those bottles are too small to last long and would end up costing you more in the long run. CO2 has to be regulated a specific levels to be effective and if the plants are not already growing in optimum conditions it will make little difference. :peace:


Well-Known Member
C02 increased my yield by 20 percent as well as shortend the flower period by a week. Its a definite must in any pro garden fellas


Well-Known Member
That would be retarded, but other methods of CO2 addition, whether simple fermentations, or solenoid driven tanks are worth the money.. I was shocked by the price of this, I mean a similar can of butane is 10% the cost, and not only is butane far more valuable than CO2, but it would actually create more CO2 if combusted..
Retardedly overpriced!!.. I can't think of anything it could be worth while for..


Well-Known Member
water, sugar, yeast. tried and true. Get yourself a glass pan, put about an inch of water in it, add sugar until no more dissolves, cover with aluminum foil, poke holes thru foil, set in grow room. Instant closet terraforming.


Well-Known Member
No, add roughly 25% by mass sugar to your warm water to dissolve completely.. Let it cool to about 80F, then add a bit of lemon juice, mix ot up, then add bakers yeast..
Bakers yeast can't survive alcohol above ~14%, which is what 25% works out to.. Also, yeast can't thrive in sugar solutions stronger than 30-35%..


Well-Known Member
Brewer's yeast will withstand alcohol up to approximately 25%, and can handle sugar content of up to 60% (grapes hover around 30-45% sugar, depending upon the type, and muscadines can have a whoppping-sweet 65%)


Well-Known Member
Dry ice is frozen co2,buy a block turn on a little fan and done it exhales tons of co2,and cheap too.only while the lights are on though,no good in the dark!!!!!peace


Well-Known Member
Dry ice is frozen co2,buy a block turn on a little fan and done it exhales tons of co2,and cheap too.only while the lights are on though,no good in the dark!!!!!peace
Plant respiration never stops, light or dark. It's heat and humidity that affects respiration rates in plants.


Well-Known Member
Dry ice is frozen co2,buy a block turn on a little fan and done it exhales tons of co2,and cheap too.only while the lights are on though,no good in the dark!!!!!peace
Too much CO2 will kill your plants and it is difficult to control the rate that dry ice "melts" so be careful if you plan on doing this. :peace: