CO2 generator: Conversion from propane to nat gas


Active Member
Hi all..I bought two used co2 generators, one titan 4 burner nat gas and a TrolMaster 4 burner w propane. My basement is set up with nat gas, where I'll just have to run a line with a "T" to feed both rooms. I removed my basement gas fed fireplace, so it's all plumbed with shut off and everything. I'll just need an extended line with a T and shut offs...I'm thinking. Is Yellow Nat gas hose ok to use in this application instead of metal pipes?
I've heard all I have to do is change the propane regulator to a nat gas one, and others say I need to change out the orifices in the burner to change the gas flow as well. (whatever that flow is)
The advice I've heard was from non growers and not co2 generators applications, but for stoves and grills. I see conversion kits for sale at Lowe's/HD, but it just contains a regulator. Does anyone have any experience in this dept or advice in running gas lines into multiple rooms in a basement, where my gas line is very much accessible. And more importantly, converting the propane burner into a nat gas. Thanks guys.
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