CO2 Help

Widow Farmer 15

Active Member

New to the forum and I have a question.

In a 4x6 room, how much will CO2 improve the yields of my grows. I have been looking at a CO2 regulator and using it for my next white widow grow.

Thanks for any information.

Widow Farmer


Active Member
it can improve your yield alot,but you have 2 have to do everything else on piont, like plenty light(nothing less than 600 w, i recommend 1000w or more),temp, humidity, fans on timers so they go off when your co2 kicks in. all that. it works but got 2 be the right condition. i have a brand new hydrofarm regulator in my draw. i havent used it because i no i dont have all the rest of the package. right now i only have a 250 w. not enough light. bout 2 go all out an get a grow tent. 600w mh digital ballest 4 veg and a 1000w hps digital ballest 4 flower, air cooled hood an hook up this co2 system.intake an exhaust fans an all.

Widow Farmer 15

Active Member
Thanks for the input.

My current setup is an area of 4 x 6. I have two 400w HPS for flowering. The mothers and clones in a seperate area with 4 sets of flourescent lights. They are doing awesome. I have two fans running as well as an exhaust fan. This is my first bloom in this room and it has been alright. Not as big as I had hoped, but alright.

I am going to add the CO2 system to my next bloom.

Thanks again for the input.

Widow Farmer