Co2 in reservoir


I am tryin dwc and to help control res temps I have a PC fan blowing on my res. I also use co2 with the bottle and yeast method. After every hour of intake and exhaust being on they shut off for half hour to allow plants access to the co2. Since my res fan is sucking air from inside the grow room where there is co2 present and blowing it into the res Wud that affect anything ? Wud the extra co2 harm the roots? Shud I add another fan to take co2 out?


Well-Known Member
Im not trying to be a comes naturally. People should not mess with CO2 without the proper knowledge, money and equipment. I highly doubt that yeast is putting off enough CO2 to worry about. A proper controller is $500 -$800. a tank or burner another few hundred. Cant afford? Then quit wasting your time, save your money and research 'Growing in a Sealed Room'


Im not trying to be a comes naturally. People should not mess with CO2 without the proper knowledge, money and equipment. I highly doubt that yeast is putting off enough CO2 to worry about. A proper controller is $500 -$800. a tank or burner another few hundred. Cant afford? Then quit wasting your time, save your money and research 'Growing in a Sealed Room'
No offense taken, also in ur response I am guessing that I can run my DIY co2 without any issues


Active Member
CO2 in water: ask any aquatic plant specialist...sorta easy from a technical standpoint, a lot harder to keep it there.... apparently surface agitation releases it from solution pretty easily...