CO2 Question?????


Well-Known Member

If I use 1000 watt system, would I have to use CO2 for the plants to live...???

If so, how much CO2 would be good????

Get ripped phycodelic, my main man

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
No, CO2 isn't a necessity with any size lights. However, adding CO2 at the correct concentration does allow the plants to tolerate higher room temps.

A CO2 op is not easy nor cheap to set up- it must be nearly sealed except for exhaust fan/s and have a controller which manages turning off the CO2 when the exhaust is running to avoid wasting the gas.

Small ops can use CO2 from tanks, but larger ops can use LP or natural gas burning CO2 generators.

There's all manner of jerry-rig methods of adding CO2- chemical reactions, yeast, dry ice- but few are controllable and none as precisely measurable as a tank system. CO2 works best when it is applied at the correct concentration and with even consistency of use.