CO2 Questions

john doper

Have a 6.34x6.34x6.34 Foot tent with 1 600w hps/mh system, 9kBTU A/C Humidifier and Sentinel CHHC-1 Controller w/6"vortex fan (CAN Filter attached)

Was wondering, have a CO2 tank and regulator that was planned to be attached, just looking for better ways to keep the CO2 in the tent or try not to loose as much through the air system. any ideas?



Well-Known Member
set your fan on a timer 30 mins on 30 off and set the c02 on opposite cycles so c02 in when fans off ect.. find a happy medium that suits you its the only thing i can come up with but im sure the more experienced growers will tell you more peace..


A/C is already in the tent, so what i would do is buy either an air cooled reflector or cool tube, and make it so the light is cooled with exterior air. So basically The ducting for the hood would start outside of the tent, runs through the hood and out the other side of the tent, never venting into the tent at all, Seal the rest of the tent and just have you carbon filter run back into the tent as a scrubber. Now you have a sealed environment for Co2, short of this your Co2 will be going out the window, therefore just wasteful. If you do not want to spend the money to do this, probably wait on the Co2 till you can, as it will just be a waste of money and have next to no benefits.

john doper

Thanks guys, Trueno, got a sunmaster aircooled reflector, havent used it because i hear the glass reduces your total lumens. But i guess its probably better for CO2 if we duct it, how do you suggest then if the ac heat is vented out that we re-circulate it so that it remains contained? Also the hot air from the ac back into the tent is not unheard of but i dont have the amperage to install a water chiller. Any suggestions?


Active Member
one thing about about cool tubes. yes the glass does reduce the lumen output, but it makes up for it by allowing you to place your plants closer to the light. i know a guy who uses those huge king cobra cool hoods, 600w hps and a very strong exhaust. he actually has his plants almost touching the glass. he said it only works like that though if you have a very strong exhaust, and a very big hood to disperse the heat better.


IMO if you duct the heat exhaust out of the tent, it will make a negative pressure in the tent, then the air will be pulled through the hood and out. Not sure how much smell would leak through the heat exchange tube, seems like if you do this from a tent into a room and then are able to vent from the hood to out side then put the carbon filter on the intake of the hood, outside of the tent. Will allow that room to smell but will cause a negative pressure to keep almost all the smell contained. May have to run the fan 24/7 that way though. Good luck.


If the filter is inside the tent, you are sucking your CO2 out the filter, if it is outside of the tent you are sucking the air from the surrounding room rather than your enriched air. So in theory, your tent is now a "sealed" environment and your Co2 stays in the tent to be used instead of vented out of your tent and wasted.