co2 system

the white widow

Active Member
a quick question
ive got this cannister that i use for my co2 i just bought
but im not sure where to put the end of the tube
do i put it in my hdro system (in the water)?
or do i leave it in my wardrobe ?



Well-Known Member
Isn't that for aquariums plants? Although some mature trees and certain desert plants absorb CO2 thru the roots, MJ roots don't absorb much, if any. CO2 intake is thru the bottom of the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I think I've seen that before, isn't that for use on aquatic plants? No matter, It is considered a direct delivery system. Do not put it into the water. That would certainly do some harm. Roots don't want co2. You want to hang it over your ladies, and maybe move it from plant to plant periodically.
I have no idea how your wardrobe comes into play here?
I hope this helps you.

a quick question
ive got this cannister that i use for my co2 i just bought
but im not sure where to put the end of the tube
do i put it in my hdro system (in the water)?
or do i leave it in my wardrobe ?


Well-Known Member
I looked into supplying CO2 to roots once. If you grew hydroponics you could more easily keep CO2 confined to the root bucket. But in the air of the grow space is the most effective use of the gas. You must seal the room, though. Have a timer inject air in while the exhuast fan is off for a while, then vent again...and repeat. That's hands free. I do it the cheap, hands-on method -give yeast & sugar water or dry ice everyday durring the lights on.


Well-Known Member
I dont know anything about your grow yet, so to make a recommendation at this point would be fruitless. Tell me, what are you using for lighting? I realize that you are growing hydro.

so what would you recommend me buy for co2 will spend about $150 dollars
or about £100


Well-Known Member
You could pick up a tank of co2. I don't know exactly what that would cost ya though. I just got one used, it was full, but I got a deal on it. You have to buy the tank, and thats about $90.00.
I got a tank, full of co2 for like under $15.00, but that was a special deal.

You could however go this route, I've done this, and it works.
The system you have may work, I'll share a tip with ya, that you can try with your present setup, assuming all the exhaust fans are off.
(You just cant tell anyone though) lol
Lets say your lights go out at 6pm, just prior to your lights going off, turn the co2 on, and seal the room shut. The plants wil not use any co2 during night time, so the co2 will build up in the room, and when your lights come on at 6am, you have a headstart with the co2 in the room. Now you'll have to gently open the door in a few hours to check on the heat situation, til you get a feel for it.


Active Member
There is also a how to on on how to make a CO2 generator from a 5 gallon paint bucket, 5 gallons water, a few packets of baker's yeast, and a LOT of sugar. The yeast breaks the sugar down, and produces CO2 as a by-product of the reaction. Lasts up to 5 weeks according to the article. Works great for me!


Uses the Rollitup profile
Sorry, vm, releasing CO2 into the room before lights out will do no good when they come on again, it will have dissipated, and you would be depriving your plants of fresh air during lights off.

How ever you produce or release CO2, you want to do it over your plants foliage. CO2 is heavier than air so it will cascade down over your plants, to the floor of the room, where you have an oscillating fan roiling it up, and spreading it back to the plants.

If you have a specially made tube, with micro drilled holes for drip irrigation, you can place it in a closed loop around the ceiling over your plants. Or if your tube just goes up there, you can T it off a couple of times to spread the outlets around some.

HTH :mrgreen:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I just finished setting my co2 setup not to long ago. I went with an injections system.I bought a 20 lb co2 tank which new are $180 I got a deal on a used 1 for $40.I got the electronic solenoid for timed releases which usually new is around $150 got mine for $45. Then I got a digital timer to set up to tell my tank when to release. Usually $35 got a clearence 1 at home depot for $8.Tubing was little harder ended up getting 50 feet of 3/8 diameter clear hose at Lowes for $10.I then used a sharp meatal auger bit to make small release holes ever 8 inches on the hose then suspended it about 1 foot above the plants across the plants back and forth 5 rows totally covering the tops.Under my aero setup I had tucked a emergency blanket for 2 reasons at first it helped uplight before canopy got to thick but it now also catches all the dropped gas and keeps it at plant levels. I have my intake and exhaust set on timers to run every other hours for 30 minutes before the next injection goes off.Id say its pretty easy once you get everything but take a little bit to get used to. Locally All I could find was a co2 seller who swaps full tanks for your empty and cost me $18 versus like $9 if I could just find a refill place.Depends what you can spend and how hard you wanna look.There is always sugar and yeast method..Good luck