Dude, just get a ppfd meter down the cannopy of your grow with lenses and youll see what im talking about. Behind the leaf theres shadow. Doesnt matter how you shape the light before it hits the leaf, behind the leaf theres shadow.
If youre growing like this you could easily show me penetration thru the cannopy with a light meter. Of course, if you use a lense focusing a 600w cob onto a plants top cannopy you will fry the plant. Cause yeah, all of what youre saying about your lighthouse. Frying a plant is not penetration and doesnt mean that youll have light under the top cannopy cause its in shadow. Can you get a super strong lense on a cob and make it penetrate a mountain or a wall? Why not? Shadow, it litterally wont go thru things that are not transparent

yeah some light goes thru the leaf, thats for sure. How much? Not enough to build buds on its own. Yet there are buds right?
If you fry the plant youre not penetrating, youre burning leaves so once dead theyre dead and gone, hence just air which is also... Transparent.
Check out this thread with measurements of lightlevels in top mid and lower cannopy.https://www.rollitup.org/t/far-red-light-penetrates-the-canopy-more-than-you-think.1096796/#post-17482432
1000/70/10 ppfd. I can guarantee you there was buds in mid cannopy. Fair enough its boards, now show me what you get with your lenses grow, down cannopy about 2feet.
When i say buds at 50ppfd, yes, but my top cannopy is at 1000. Depending how i managed budsites i can get buds of good size towards the bottom, where i have around 50ppfd. No shit. The plant can grow buds with low pofd intracannopy cause it already harvested the light at top cannopy.
If you seen this youre talking about then show us, im betting we will never see any photos showing 800ppfd in mid cannopy cause it seems like youre plain theorising, never actually measured this. Just saw something and felt wow. What youre talking about is focusing light which of course works. Until it hits a solid material which isnt transparent, then you get shadow. Yes a little light goes thru but your insane if you think that little light is what is growing the buds down cannopy, its all
Ill try to see if i can get pics next time im at the grow.
Edit: sorry, i may be getting abrasive on this issue apologize if im getting rough around the edges, the P-word gets me in a bad way