...some erased post reposted (momentaneamente) just for bros...
...sorry Bros maybe its offtopic here...but i looked at...
Whereas human vision relies on five opsins as photoreceptors, most plants have a wide variety of photopigments that are responsive to optical radiation from 280 nm to 800 nm.
...have a curious table...old actually.. i sawed others more actualized...but heyyy...esta no es de pago....y ahora con el tema de los copyrights...menos circularan en circulos que les pueda seguir la pista...mas jodido para los diyers...pero es lo que hay...
...Figure 9 shows the spectral responsivities of an
AS7262 6-channel visible light spectral sensor with a spectral range of approximately 430 nm to 570 nm, as manufactured by ams AG of Premstaetten, Austria.
While the spectral responsivities are not ideal Gaussian functions, it is clear that an instrument to directly measure radial basis function weights can be fabricated using existing technology.
The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the skyAre also in this sensor, controlled by you and I!Detect trees of green, and red roses too with the new Adafruit AS7262 6-Channel Visible ...
...i dont see tutorial for that product...sorry...
The AS7262 is a cost-effective multispectral sensor-on-chip solution designed to address spectral ID applications. This highly integrated device delivers 6-channel multispectral sensing in the visible wavelengths from approximately 430nm to 670nm with full-width half-max (FWHM) of 40nm. An...
The AS726x Demo Kit is a Windows PC-hosted evaluation environment, designed to provide the user an quick-start approach to spectral sensing. The demo kit consists of the Intelligent Spectral Interface (iSPI) board, USB/FTDI cable, and a USB stick which includes drivers, documentation and...
The AS726x Demo Kit is a Windows PC-hosted evaluation environment, designed to provide the user an quick-start approach to spectral sensing. The demo kit consists of the Intelligent Spectral Interface (iSPI) board, USB/FTDI cable, and a USB stick which includes drivers, documentation and...
PD...este año veo novedades en sensores Sensirion los SHT40 que nuevos vendran el SHT41 y SHT45...y los SCD40 NDIR CO2 Sensors....mas pequeños que los SCD30...
a ver si los de Sensirion sacan sacan este año el Smart-Gadget Kit con los SHT41 o SHT45 y hojala sacaran uno que tambien tuviera el NDIR CO2 SCD40...que para sensar los cultivos interiores nos vendria genial...
The smart gadget is a development kit, which demonstrates the excellent performance and easy handling of Sensirion's humidity and temperature sensors.
...y los modelos de nano lambda tambien me gustan mucho...diria que me gustan mas que los PBAR QUANTUM METERS....pero es mi solo pov...ustedes mismos...
compact spectral sensing platform for IoT. revolutionary nano-digital convergence technology. miniature spectrometer. noninvasive nondestructive health monitoring for people, plants and planet
One integrated module (Datasheet) with NSP32 spectrum sensor and on-board MCU (all calibrated) with SPI ( or UART) interface See Resources for a full support of documents and API(s) ** Please select and order PC(power Calibrated) for Lighting Applicationss. (W/m2, Lux, PPFD etc..) 1PC, 2PC...
One integrated module (Datasheet) with NSP32 spectrum sensor and on-board MCU (all calibrated) with SPI ( or UART) interface See Resources for a full support of documents and API(s) ** Please select and order PC(power Calibrated) for Lighting Applicationss. (W/m2, Lux, PPFD etc..) 1PC, 2PC...
PD1...PAR measures on 2021?... better go on PBAR measures...more extended than OLD and OBSOLETE PAR measuress...
PAR QUANTUM METERS are obsolete on actual times o led grow lights... PBAR QUANTUM METERS....better actually...just my pov...ustedes mismos...
...a los Bros muchos animos y cuidaros del covid...
Saludos desde Tenerife
reposteado ... para rezagados... pero daros mucha prisa que no durara mucho...
...postee varios sensores asi en mis posts borrados (por no gustarles a nadie)...y puede que algunos modelos sean mas caros que un quantum meter de rango extendido...pero creo juegan en ligas diferentes...y los caros lo son por algo...descubre el porque tu mismo...
for my pov better than TSL2561...the TSL2591...
When the future is dazzlingly-bright, this ultra-high-range luminosity sensor will help you measure it. The TSL2591 luminosity sensor is an advanced digital light sensor, ideal for use in a ...
When the future is dazzlingly-bright, this ultra-high-range luminosity sensor will help you measure it. The TSL2591 luminosity sensor is an advanced digital light sensor, ideal for use in a wide range of light situations. Compared to low cost CdS cells, this sensor is more precise, allowing for...
y claro que me gusta el TCS34725...pero creo puse hardware usado en un doc de la IES.org...que me dice mucho mas que el DLC...y claro que en DLC hay buena info...pero en IES.org...o en ASABE.org tambien y creo que mejor...yo mire el doc 240 y el 245 que aun no he podido leer...pues es de pago...y paso de pagar por ese...ya lo leere por otro lado...
el hardware del doc de la IES.org es el AS7262 y tambien os puse info...de ese y otros...en otros posts mios...
...y de ASM tambien hay Dev Boards muy interesantes aparte del AS7262... pero solo hablaba de ese modelo...mas caros los hay...tambien por algo lo seran... si relacionas calidad precio... es lo normal con cosas de cierta calidad... tu decides si te vale la pena o no...
no pretendo que compreis o useis nada...solo os expuse mi pov e info...que gusto.. pues bien...que no..pues mal
y si encuentras algo de esa calidad a mejor precio...soy todo oido...puede que sean caros pero siendo lo que son ...tu ves alguno de esa calidad mas barato?...donde?...hazmelo saber...
este año mis post no creo duren mucho tiempo en foros o youtube...visto el exito del año anterior... y tampoco creo que postee mucho... pues tendre lio con otras cosas...
e function actived...fast mode en un ratito borrare...
Saludos desde Tenerife
...you will need at least a LUX meter but preferably a
Spectrometer (ya puse info...si ves algo mejor o mas barato ..dame toque...y lo prefiere a los Quantum meter ...como yo...juasss) that can measure photons (ppfd)
There is a lot of youtube video and resources showing these products at work.
There is one problem however with this approach, these products require you to move the meters over your area to read the numbers in a given location, in short they measure on a single plane and dont take into consideration the angular distribution of the light source.
The polar distribution curve of a grow light can provide an indication of the type of distribution expected from the light.
What you need is an IES file from the manufacturer,
Data file created in the standardized IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) photometric format; contains measurements of light and light quantities.
These files can be used in a simulation program that allows you to move fixtures around your room and calculate the absolute ppfd for a given area before you ever need to turn a screw.
An investment in a LED grow light is the burning question. It is typically more expensive than its incandescent brothers and while it has a great
Got a question? Let’s get you an answer. This section is the fastest place to get help. Find technical support and answers to DIALux related questions.
seems to me there are Catalogs for Brands with IE files ...there are curious paneles leds de oficina...con curiosos SPD...y creo que tambien tienen IES FIles...
ya me gustaria que los las marcas de Horticultural leds sacaran IES files para jugar con el Dialux...pero no he visto sus IES files compartidos.... y estamos en 2021... a que esperan?...
...no son IES Files pero hay bastante info de lamparas de cultivo...
PD...Bro RS...nota que el smart gadget kit sensa DEW POINT...LCD Display for humidity, temperature and
Dew Point in Celsius and Fahrenheit... es autonomo y tiene app... curioso no...y sigo aprendiendo...sin comprar o usar nada...de momento...
si le gusto al Bro TD...yo no lo borrare...off course...
Paz y Amor...en 2021 mas que nunca...
Saludos desde Tenerife