Coca-cola drying method


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard of the coca cola drying method and what it does apparently it leaves the sugar behind and puffs it up or something i heard?

Help if u can thanks


Well-Known Member
all it dose is put a bit more wight in it,so i ve been told,,,,its just a shitty thing to do,,, just like grit weed!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I had sum buds once had like sugar crystals all over sucked........prolly had sumthin like that done to it.....i dont reccomend it


Well-Known Member
has any one tried this, i got some people that buy off me but always say ill give you the other fiver tomorrow and never end up paying buy they still buy more... i wana do this, do the buds smell of coke though? can you do the same thing with like boiled water and loads of caster sugar? or better with coke?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
That sounds like a horrible idea. I cannot imagine doing that to a crop that was lovingly tended. Sad, Sad.


Well-Known Member
if anyones ever got glucose sprayed shit ull know just how bad it is , can even look like crystals gallore to the naked eye - doesnt smoke for shit , even with a constant light on it -and if it does see how many tapes it takes to get the ash off
even though this thread is old as shit unrefined sugar is best like molasses and corn syrup, but and a couple tsp of coca cola in your nute mix wouldnt hurt its actuall alright it has phosphorous in the form of phosphoric acid tried and true dont know why in the hell you'd wanna cure you bud in it though ...unless your tryn to rip someone dumbass off as passn it for some dark purply sticky shit that taste like coke for some reason then i guess have at it peace