coco coir..... problems


hright guys, its my fourth op. never been too serious really. a few here and there but ive been lucky enough never to have any problems and always had a good harvest..

any way, between my last and current grow i read up and decided to change to coco for my plants.

iive kept every other factor the same as before as i did with my soil ops. pot size, nutes, light, etc

i did have four seedlings. 2x WW and 2x BLZ bud. one of the BLZ have already crisped up and died. the other 3 are now seeming to be doing the same.

sooo.. now for the question. i have used 100% coco. is this incorrect to begin with? maybe mix in with soil? 50/50?

i have a slight feeling i may of over watered too, but then i left it till it was dry again almost.... could this of killed my babies?

i think im gonna start again with some new seeds so wanna make sure its right this time.


The Zapper

Hey there papajow, sorry about your loss.

I am currently flowering 5, a mother, and a seedling in 100% coco. Coir is actually hydro so you can't really over water. I feed everyday or every otherday depending on my schedule. I drain to waste and shop-vac the extra. I use the House & Garden Cocos A and B with their line of additives plus Snow Storm.

I've heard in 100% coir there can be problems with keeping the roots aerated if coir is on a drip system, so I just hand water in the morning 2-3 gal for all five in flower.

I think what happened was you let it get too dry and/or your nutes. Coco seems to like coco spec nutes. I guess coco screws with calcium or some stuff. This is my first crop in coir and i have to say it's phenominal so far. (Knock on wood)

Hope this helps Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
coco can hold salt in so normally people use coir specific nutes, also ive always used 60 coir 40 perlite and watered about every other day


Well-Known Member
only now im dwc so dont use coir anymore but i really liked it kind of a happy medium inbetween hydro and soil even though it is hydro