Coco end run treatment


Well-Known Member
I’m about to finish my first run in coco and I want to re-use the coco. I’m using a drain to waste system. What’s the best way to neutralize the coco beside flushing for anweek do you add something else to dissolve the roots? Thx guys
I sit the used, full pot in a trash can and let it dry completely.

When I need the pot again. I pull the dry root ball out. Add some fresh coco and I rinse the pot with the old coco in it. Using the garden hose. Really flushed well and drained.

Them I take the pot and stick it in an ice chest. Which is filled with a times 3 dose of Cal-Mag in RO water. Its soaked for about two days. No rinse after that.

Then the prepared pots go in the grow room about 2-3 days before a sprouted seed is stuck in it. Treated with Azamax and BTI during this time. Allowed to warm up.

That's it. After the grow...back in the trash can. Dry, pull, rinse, soak, and repeat.

I don't care if the fabric pot stays ugly.
Results will vary depending on the mass of roots in your container. For instance, I use 9X9's (2.5 Gallon) and when I finish a longer growing variety, the coco is chuck full of roots. I find that in this specific scenario it just makes more sense to compost the used coco/roots. The time it would take and the amount I would reclaim just wouldn't justify the efforts in this case. Fortunately, you can compost your coco/roots and then use it for compost teas or soil later.
Results will vary depending on the mass of roots in your container. For instance, I use 9X9's (2.5 Gallon) and when I finish a longer growing variety, the coco is chuck full of roots. I find that in this specific scenario it just makes more sense to compost the used coco/roots. The time it would take and the amount I would reclaim just wouldn't justify the efforts in this case. Fortunately, you can compost your coco/roots and then use it for compost teas or soil later.
I do the same, my used coco or soil goes into my compost pile or directly into my outdoor beds most of the time if it looks like it'll be too much work to reclaim. It never goes to waste...BUT, when I expand my grow I'll def put more effort into reclaiming my coco.