Coco mix


Hi there can anyone tell me why I’m getting this mold looking stuff in my fabric pots ? Never happened last grow round using the same stuff . Only difference this time is a scrog net is in place ? Not enough airflow underneath maybe ? I’m only week 3 veg and the nets only been up a week .
Any help much appreciated .



Well-Known Member
Been growing in straight coco for years, always get some on the top layer but it's never caused an issue for me


That’s good to hear mate . I’ll get my lower fan in tomorrow see if it helps / stops it happening . What sort of set up you using mate ?


Well-Known Member
Nothing fancy but get easily over a lb per harvest out of a 4x4 tent. I switched to coco years ago because I always had an issue with fungus gnats using soil. After switching they all died off and have never seen once since. Only downside is the daily feeding. I've experimented with different methods of auto drip feeding but always ended up just going back to feeding by hand.



Update guys for those who was advising me ! Veg ended on Monday 3weeks in . These photos are 5 days into flower and wow have they stretched !! I’ve read about only defoliating at the end of week 2 along with clearing out under the net ! Any advice on when I should be doing it ? The nets getting really crowded now and I’m thinking I may be loosing growth due to fan leaves maybe ?

