Cold air coming in past grow tent exhaust


Active Member
Hello, I just started my first indoor tent grow. I have 4x4x6.5 tent with a 450W Mars Hydro 3000 TS for lighting. I have my tent vented outside with an 4” in-line fan on a charcoal filter. I live in northern Canada with temperatures that get below -40 in the winter. I am currently having an issue where when my lights turn off and stop putting out heat my room temperatures are plummeting from 23C to 11C! I thought having my exhaust fan on continuously would keep the cold air forced out but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. I can turn up my exhaust fan but am worried it will then be pumping out too much hot air while the lights are on. Is it just a matter of finding the right exhaust fan speed or am I overlooking something / should I be taking a different approach to keep warm temps in my tent. Any and all information and ideas are appreciated! Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
You need a temperature controller for your exhaust wherein you can set your lights on/ off temp differential, and only exhaust when you want it to.


Well-Known Member
You need a temperature controller for your exhaust wherein you can set your lights on/ off temp differential, and only exhaust when you want it to.
and you can add an inline damper after the fan to prevent any backflow. 4" is standard size for clothes dryers and they're readily available @ most hardware stores.


Well-Known Member
As well, do you have a one way flapper on the exhaust? Helps keep unwanted air out when not exhausting...and no matter what, you will have to heat it lights out.


Well-Known Member
Canada here also,I tapped into my furnace ducts to keep my room warmer at night.I also added a Y connector after my vent fan to reduce what goes outside.Half blows back in to keep the warmth.
As said above a temp speed controller is a must.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, I have been turtled
and you can add an inline damper after the fan to prevent any backflow. 4" is standard size for clothes dryers and they're readily available @ most hardware stores.
Sorry Bro, I have been turtled and my response time is brutal.


Well-Known Member
Hello, I just started my first indoor tent grow. I have 4x4x6.5 tent with a 450W Mars Hydro 3000 TS for lighting. I have my tent vented outside with an 4” in-line fan on a charcoal filter. I live in northern Canada with temperatures that get below -40 in the winter. I am currently having an issue where when my lights turn off and stop putting out heat my room temperatures are plummeting from 23C to 11C! I thought having my exhaust fan on continuously would keep the cold air forced out but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. I can turn up my exhaust fan but am worried it will then be pumping out too much hot air while the lights are on. Is it just a matter of finding the right exhaust fan speed or am I overlooking something / should I be taking a different approach to keep warm temps in my tent. Any and all information and ideas are appreciated! Thanks guys!
Add a plenum or gravity louvers to your exhaust ducting. Easy fix. 2 if really cold.