Collemboans and hypoasis miles in ebb and flow

Have had collemboans(ie springtails) and hypoasis miles mites in my rock wool ebb and flow tables for about 10 years... i never introduced them but have noticed they continue to thrive throughout the room and had been wondering if anyone else has these little guys in their substrate and what impact they have had on their grow? Does anyone have an ipm regimen to successfully remove them or decrease their population if desired? I personally feel that they were beneficial as my yields increased and occasional pests like fungus gnats disappeared (until a couple years ago when damn fungus gnats got back in during an especially hot and dry summer with lots of fires around the area-like less than a half mile from the house!)
Hypoasis miles (actually called Stratiolaelaps scimitus now) primarily eat fungus gnats and thrips. If you didn't have food for them they kinda hang out in a dark corner til the food comes back.

For what it's worth these are actually sold as a predatory mite.

I guess consider yourself lucky?