Colloidal silver solution feminized seeds

How long does it take to make mature or viable seeds after pollenation?
Weeks (4-6) ---> strain dependent. I won't give an exact number. What I'd suggest is pollinating selected females as soon as they're ready to accept it. Rather than reverse engineering to time it with completion. Just let the plants do their thing. This way you know the seeds will be fully developed. The last thing you want is to go through all this trouble for premature unviable seeds.
Weeks (4-6) ---> strain dependent. I won't give an exact number. What I'd suggest is pollinating selected females as soon as they're ready to accept it. Rather than reverse engineering to time it with completion. Just let the plants do their thing. This way you know the seeds will be fully developed. The last thing you want is to go through all this trouble for premature unviable seeds.

Thanks. I was thinking I saw 5 weeks somewhere, but couldn't find it.
I think I'll take your advice and do a little planning before I try it.
I use whole plants in separate tent. This way I don't have to be careful. I just spray everything in there. I also start reversing females 2-3 weeks before I flip intended recipient(s). Because I do multiple strains at a time. This is no different than finishing a female. So some plants will let the pollen loose faster than others. I want to be sure I've got all 6 or so plants pollen before my flower room is ready. I collect pollen in vials and place them open topped in a Tupperware container filled with silica desiccant to the top of each vial. This dries it out for longer term storage. After I spread the wealth. I put the tops on and freeze.
Iv never used dried pollen i always put it on the female right after the male or branch i sprayed opens its pollen pockets , as for thee seeds on the plant i let it go untill its done flowering so i know the seeds are viable
How long does it take to make mature or viable seeds after pollenation?
Indicas take anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks, Sativas can take anywhere from 4 to 6. Ive harvested some as early as 2 weeks, autoflower varieties are the fastest. Few things i learned from doing it myself= PPM meter is basically worthless if your making your own CS. If it is showing 20ppm it is really much higher, those meters do not work well with CS. Never use cue tips when fertilizing your ladies, the pistils can grab onto the cotton and pull the pistils out. You can flip one branch or the whole plant, i usually flip a small branch. You can make S-1 seeds with your other seeds if you flip one branch and its much easier to deal with. I make seeds every time i get a new strain whether its one female or more. I never had a problem flipping. Tip= keep straying until the first male pollen sack opens or becomes slightly yellow. You can ease up spraying but dont stop until that male sack is ready. If you stop the males might go back into female mode, seen it happen once. The branch you flip will become slightly to moderatly stressed, this is normal. The leaves might become deformed a little, dont stop spraying.

Added= Be careful when you pollinate i always over do it. Plant becomes nothing but seed and little bud. One branch or cola is all you need for a lifetimes worth.
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