Colorado Committee Backs Medical Marijuana Bill


Well-Known Member
The first attempt by the Legislature to regulate Colorado's medical marijuana industry just passed its first test at the Capitol. :finger:

The Senate Health & Human Services Committee voted 6-1 Wednesday to back a bill aimed at preventing doctors from issuing medical marijuana recommendations to recreational users, reports Colleen Slevin of The Associated Press.

About 150 people attended the hearing, and most opposed the bill, fearing it would make medical marijuana more expensive.

​If the bill becomes law, doctors will have to give prospective medical marijuana patients a full exam and provide follow-up care.

Some marijuana advocates fear that requiring follow-up visits could cost patients, many of whom are seriously ill and financially strapped, hundreds of extra dollars per year.

Patients already have to pay a $90 annual fee to register as medical marijuana users.

William Chengelis said he can't get his regular Veterans Administration doctors to sign off on medical marijuana and said buying pot illegally and paying the $100 fine would be cheaper than paying a private doctor for follow-up visits.

"I cannot afford this bill," Chengelis told lawmakers.

The committee responded by recommending allowing the state to waive the $90 fee for those who can't afford it. Bill sponsor, Sen. Chris Romer (D-Denver) said he is considering allowing veterans to get their medical expenses reimbursed by dispensaries, since Veteran's Administration doctors aren't allowed to recommend medical marijuana.

Backers also wanted to require patients between 18 and 21 years old to get a second opinion, but the committee rejected that.

Fear that dispensaries would attract crime has been raised by those concerned about the proliferation of pot shops, but Denver police are saying there appears to be little cause for concern.

According to police, medical marijuana dispensaries were robbed or burglarized at a lower rate than liquor stores or even banks last year. According to The Denver Post on Wednesday, dispensaries were hit at about the same rate as pharmacies.

From Toke of The Town-
Personally I will be glad to see the rubber stamping thats going on slow down. I see too many young 20 yr. olds getting there mmj lic. when there is nothing wrong with them. With that said, I also see a problem when renewals come about next year and theres a shortage of drs. willing to re-stamp ya..


Well-Known Member

Good point. I think they need to add some sort of language into these bills that allows people who have already been through the process to keep their cards and get renewals without needing to jump through all these extra hoops every year.


Well-Known Member
According to police, medical marijuana dispensaries were robbed or burglarized at a lower rate than liquor stores or even banks last year. According to The Denver Post on Wednesday, dispensaries were hit at about the same rate as pharmacies.

From Toke of The Town-

This is the best quote ever! I wish the media would stop making any MMJ related breakin or crime front news! Because it isn't!


Active Member,0,6441986.story <----- That'a a link if you actually want to watch part of the hearing that was held on Wednesday. If you read our other thread, then you will recognize the veteran that spoke as the guy that recieved a response and an invitation to the hearing, directly from one of the senators. I am a soon to be veteran that will be moving to Colorado and honestly, I care about 2 things... Keeping Medical Marijuana, and being able to grow my own Medical Marijuana. That's it. I think it's great that they are cracking down on these dispensaries, and I think it's great that anyone under 21 is required to have a review board. It keeps things legit. That's my 2 cents.

pikes peak 69

Well-Known Member
So at 18 you can vote, die for our country and drink till you poke, but you need 2 Drs to say that MMJ may help you.
What a crock of shit.



Well-Known Member

After thinking about it a bit, i changed my mind about the whole review board issue because I think I set's a bad precedent. If a doctor is legally entitled to write prescriptions then he/she shouldn't have to justify it to a government appointed review board unless he/she is under investigation for some form of malpractice(like Michael Jackson's Dr). There are already laws on the books to deal with doctors that are writing bogus prescriptions, so why do we need another new law just to deal with MMJ prescriptions?


Well-Known Member
Shows how much I drink. Actually I was thinking of 3.2 beer but I now understand that that's no longer available.
Damn dude you must be old! :) jk... Drinking sucks anyway, I hear it causes liver failure! MJ 4 Life! Guess that why the liquor industry is backing the anti-marijuana laws!