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PUEBLO WEST, Colo. — Deputies found an illegal marijuana grow and hash oil lab while investigating an abandoned 911 call Thursday night.

The Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office said around 7:15 p.m., dispatch received a 911 call from a home on Greenbrier Drive. When dispatchers answered, the caller didn’t respond, so deputies went to the home to investigate. When they arrived, they saw a man walking outside of a detached garage on the property. When the man saw them, he went in the garage and closed the door.

Deputies went to the home and talked to Erica Burch, 31. They told her they were there to investigate a 911 call, and she told them there was no emergency at the home. When they asked who the man in the garage was, she told them there was no one there, according to deputies. The deputies then went out to the garage to talk to the man, but as they were talking, he ran away. He has not yet been identified.

Burch let the deputies into the garage. There, they found 164 marijuana plants, 194 starter plants, a 150-gallon water tub filled with a dark liquid, and several five-gallon buckets filled with marijuana leaves. Deputies then searched the rest of the property and found an inactive butane hash oil system in a closet.

Deputies asked Burch if they were growing marijuana, and she said, “It’s legal, isn’t it?,” according to the sheriff’s office.

Burch was arrested for cultivation of marijuana, extraction of marijuana concentrate using inherently dangerous substance, and possession with intent to manufacture, distribute marijuana or marijuana concentrate. Burch told deputies she had moved to Pueblo West two months ago from Florida.

Deputies said Burch’s three children, who are all under the age of 8, were living in the home. They’ve been placed with a family member who was staying at the home.

This is the sixth illegal marijuana bust made by Pueblo County deputies in the past month.

Piece of shit run of the mill rookie cops couldnt catch the man, the lady could have done a shit ton to have prevented the situation escalate from minute 1

its like an episode of COPS, god daum
Piece of shit run of the mill rookie cops couldnt catch the man, the lady could have done a shit ton to have prevented the situation escalate from minute 1

its like an episode of COPS, god daum

Idiots move here and start growing 457,000 plants with no odor control. Then they get arrested and wonder why.
I was a t a friend's house in a pretty nice neighborhood and could smell weed.
Hmmmm, I wonder if it is the house with crappy cars parked in front with out of state license plates?
I read a story online the other day about some people in some southern state who got busted because they accidentally dialed 911 while smoking meth and heroin. They parked their car in someone's driveway at 3 AM and lit up, and somehow dialed 911 while getting everything ready. The dispatcher on the other end was listening to them tell each other "hand me the heroin," "fuck, that's good ice... wooo, now for some tar!" with coughing and wheezing mixed in. Cops showed up, snuck up on the car, and looked in the window. Dope all over the center console.

Words fail me. How the hell does anyone accidentally dial 911?
I read a story online the other day about some people in some southern state who got busted because they accidentally dialed 911 while smoking meth and heroin. They parked their car in someone's driveway at 3 AM and lit up, and somehow dialed 911 while getting everything ready. The dispatcher on the other end was listening to them tell each other "hand me the heroin," "fuck, that's good ice... wooo, now for some tar!" with coughing and wheezing mixed in. Cops showed up, snuck up on the car, and looked in the window. Dope all over the center console.

Words fail me. How the hell does anyone accidentally dial 911?
i just did the other day.. i normally keep my phone in my truck when im working but i brought it in to take some pics of the job for a permit. got a call after i put the phone back in my pocket lol.. 911.. i answered and i asked who it was.. they were like. this is dispatch.. im thinking.. oooh fuck what did i do now. but they were pretty cool about being pocket dialed. just glad cops didnt roll up on the job i was looking at. samsung s7.. too easy to pocket dial 911 appearently