Colorblind and need Help with Plant diagnosis.. ends burnt and curling up...

hitech redneck

New Member
I've researched and googled for the past 3 hours trying to figure this out. I'm colorblind and it's really messing with me. here's the pics i took this morning. all older mature leaves have died, and it's working its way up the plant. I THINK its a phosphorous deficiency.

4 days ago it was a healthy plant. I fertilized with Alaska Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1. next morning the whole plant was drooped. this is an outdoor plant, and the temp has been in the 100's during the day. any suggestions?

it's not affecting any plants around it. so it's a localized problem...



Well-Known Member
hey red, going by the chart it could be a nitrogen or zinc deficiency, start with the soil first and check the ph, u could possibly re-pot, if you do then gently ease her out of the pot and get as much soil off the roots as you can, there will be damage to the roots but she will recover, a pain I know but I have done it several times and within a week my mj has recovered. hope this helps, good luck and happy growing :-)

hitech redneck

New Member
she's in the ground. I'll try soaking the ground this evening and seeing what i can do. from what i read the very first step in most treatments is to flush the soil. makes it harder when it's in the ground. I'll have a Ph meter within a day or so, and then I'll know exactly what I'm dealing with. Thanks for the response :)