Combining Nutes


Active Member

I have the fox farms 3 pack and I was wondering how to combine dosages of different nutes when watering.

For example, if I have one bottle and it says 2 tbsp per gallon and another that says 3 tbsp per gallon can I combine them both in the same gallon of water?

Or am I supposed to mix each of them in a separate gallon and water with a little of one?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You can mix nutes but I would never go full strenght if I were you. Thats how you roast your plants and cause deficencys. The FF 3 pack is not the best for flowering pot. They have too much of one thing and not enough of another. The recomended NPK for pot in flower is 10-30-20 and 10-10-10 in veg. If you stay close to that range you dont get deficencys. The FF 3 pack is way off. I have the 3 pack and allways had problems. Now I mix the Open Sesame with Supernatural bloom 14-9-19 to get a NPK of 19-54-38 which is very close to 10-30-20 if you look at the percentages. The ChaChing is good for late flower with some sugar daddy, sweet or some type of sugar added but thats it. I dont even use the Beastie anymore. Good luck with your grow show whatever you use. Peace Out!