Coming up on Soma's, Ativan's & Liquid Morphine!


Well-Known Member
For some bizarre and misdirected reason I just fell upon some soma's, ativans, and a vial of blue liquid morphine.

Being a fellow who stays far away from prescription medications I've never taken any interest in medically prescribed downers and all-a-rounders :lol:

But, me being such a curious monkey monger I just wanted to wikipedia the shit out of these pharm's... and ahold these chem's don't sound like such a bad idea to ingest on a lonely nights end!

Out of the (3) ativan seems to be the least appealing as it erects a drowsiness which dulls out the recreational value of it and produces the least euphoria out of the 3 mentioned.

Soma's seem to produce a nice body high, hence the muscle relaxing qualities it produces.

The one that I'm keeping firm hold of is the liquid morphine I have safely tucked away in a vial in a very dark and cool place. This stuff is like playing with fire and once lit... there is no going back so to say! My buddy gets it from one of his friends who works at a trauma center that specializes in x-rays. He told me to consume 1ml/20mg... does this sound correct?

...and how does liquid morphine compare to smack? Is the addictive potentials the same?
I am a lil confused:

"...and how does to compare to smack? Is the addictive potentials the same?"

please explain and I will try to help ya out :-0
I have never tried soma, but ativan is lorazepam right? I would imagine they are 1mg Ativans (most that I see are). They aren't bad, they are kind of like a weaker valium (diazepam).

as to Morphine.. well it is 1/2 the strength of heroin (diacetylmorphine) and I am not sure about the addictiveness (I binged on it for like 4 months, but I did not find it hard to put down cold turkey.. no withdrawl, no relapse, nothin).

When injected it is significantly stronger though (as it is ~100% bioavailable)
[Edited out] (read something wrong)
Back in HS I kinda binged on heroin for about 4-5 months, had a friend who was severely addicted and I wanted to try everything. Never injected or smoked it, just sniffed, but I also had no problems with withdrawal or relapse. I feel I just didn't care about it enough, wasn't my thing. Same with any downer or pain killer. Took a bunch of OC's, Vic's, Xanax, Liquid Codeine(sometimes with tylenol and others with promethazine[R.I.P. DJ Screw and Pimp C]) a bunch of times, Liquid Hydrocodone a few times, some perc's. Most of that was done in high amounts and close together. Not as much as I did the heroin though(pretty much every day from after school till I went to sleep). I just never really had a problem with downers, but at the same time I keep cocaine away from me most of the time because I can easily slip into a downward spiral. So when I do it, I get a one nights amount and wont let myself see it again for at least a month. No longer friends with the dealers, now just friends of friends. Used to be the same with ecstasy when I was 18-19 but I have chilled on that more, still do it just no longer fiend. Love the other psychs but I've always tried to respect them so I haven't had much of a problem, except for a few occasions. Alcohol is also probably my most addictive substance. Love weed but can chill out if I want to lower my tolerance. Have actually started doing that now as I'm low on money and I smoke too much when I have it.

I'm no expert in addiction, not even close, but I know people who are addicted to everything. Some who will do everything heavily and not get addicted at all, others that will do everything and only get addicted to a few certain things (me, thank God I know this). I do know some people are more susceptible to certain chemicals, or certain feelings. I get addicted to the feelings. That's why I haven't had much of a problem with withdrawal, no chemical dependence. Except with alcohol, I only like alcohol in smaller amounts but when I was younger I couldn't keep myself under what I wanted and would get horribly drunk. Now I either just buy less at a store, or bring less money to a bar. But when a bottle is being passed around, I have to focus on being strong.

Kind of went on a rant there, sorry. But my main point is, everyone has there vices, everyone has there own different strengths, always be careful because you may not know you're addicted until you're in very deep. If you do something a lot for a week or two, then chill out for the next week or two, or month and see how much you fiend for it. Even if it's not a lot keep it in moderation. Also, I realize I got lucky that I had no, or very little, chemical dependence on heroin. Others generally are not that lucky
dude liquid morphine is just morphine with higher bioavailability.. the experience shouldn't be that different, it is the same drug. One will have a quick rush and shorter duration and the other will be more subtle but longer. Injected is ~3x stronger than orally.

The recommended dosage? For someone who has never used it before? Maybe 30mg orally (so 10mg's IV'd).
dude liquid morphine is just morphine with higher bioavailability.. the experience shouldn't be that different, it is the same drug. One will have a quick rush and shorter duration and the other will be more subtle but longer. Injected is ~3x stronger than orally.

The recommended dosage? For someone who has never used it before? Maybe 30mg orally (so 10mg's IV'd).

Straight forward with no analytical touch that I'm so used to from SHEPJ's comments!

But I guess its valuable in some sense... I always knew liquid morphine has a higher bioavailability... don't paint me out to be an idiot :lol:

The trueness to the answer I'm seeking is what is the big hype about morphine and pain killer analogs all about! In other words, how good can I feel on this shit ;)
I always knew liquid morphine has a higher bioavailability... don't paint me out to be an idiot :lol:

I would never do that, you are far from an idiot, they are simply facts for the people who read this thread who are idiots though. lol.

The trueness to the answer I'm seeking is what is the big hype about morphine and pain killer analogs all about! In other words, how good can I feel on this shit ;)

There we go, you'll feel really good; all warm, fuzzy, euphoric, kind of numb, semi-sedated. I don't know why there is such hype, but there is. Some people get off on vicodin.. I can't feel the shit, but to each his own.

If you try it, simply know your limits :-) Space doses apart and play around with the dosage to find your correct dose.
I would never do that, you are far from an idiot, they are simply facts for the people who read this thread who are idiots though. lol.

There we go, you'll feel really good; all warm, fuzzy, euphoric, kind of numb, semi-sedated. I don't know why there is such hype, but there is. Some people get off on vicodin.. I can't feel the shit, but to each his own.

If you try it, simply know your limits :-) Space doses apart and play around with the dosage to find your correct dose.

I think a nice and soothing day on the beach with a tucked umbrella in the sand accompanied by a 20mg dose of morphine... would dissolve my fears and feelings much like quicksand ;)

Its a must try for one of those perfect balearic days!
I think a nice and soothing day on the beach with a tucked umbrella in the sand accompanied by a 20mg dose of morphine... would dissolve my fears and feelings much like quicksand ;)

Sounds like a good day :-) well.. I am more of a ~300mg (oral) fan but to each his own.
i am a daily morphine user due to medical reasons. I love it. As this old lady said in my pain management group, "whenever I am having a bad day I just take one of these, getting old is great". Lol. Funny shit.

But anyway, yeah the morphine will make you feel a whole lotta good. Real happy. I did not think they had oral salt solutions. I Would have thought injection would have been needed.

But anyway again I cannot beleive you are all selling that ativan short. It is like "uber valium". It is better than coke. New coke, old coke, my doctor gae me a prescription once all excited, this is better than valium! "this is the next generation". It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy like no other. A couple milligrams orally or more and maybe some liquor or better yet some Morphine and you got a HELLA of a nice party on yer hands.

Not that my morphine use is not under control. The rule with pills is start small keep it small and you will be a happy man for all yer years. Like superman. hehe.
tea tree we're not selling it short, yeah it's good shit.. it's just weak. By the time I get a dose that feels good it's at a sketchy dose lol.

always used to take dilaudid, ativan, and valium at the same time.. holy shitfuck it gets you blasted.
yeah, I used to get ativa shots at the hospital of it when I was an alcoholic. In the arm if I remember. Nice. I remember the oral dose I would eat like eight while I drank my vodka, back in the day. Only way to fly :eyesmoke:
personly I have no use for morphine outside of medical aplications, and even then it makes me vomit at minimum doses, I just seem to have a super low tollerance.
Codeiine I can handle fine, I used to have repeat scripts for DF118, and although its a very clean feeling drug, its not "enjoyable".

I've always found the american obsesion with prescription meds interesting. Especialy people searching it without prior dependance reasons.