Commercial-grade Marijuana Around the World


Well-Known Member
Here in Western Canada we don't compress our weed but compress the THC into our LUNGS! :weed:

I have had some really good compressed bud about 7 years ago, no idea of the strain or it's origin but it was fire. :fire:

You can find compressed BUD anywhere where it has to do some travelling before making it to the consumer, usually it's coming by air or sea so it's packaged tightly.



Well-Known Member
im from the south and its not only prevalent my friend.. its RAMPANT

its hard because ppl around here wld rather get a shwaggy, seed filled quarter of brick reg than a g of good dank. its sad..

and if you tell anyone 20g they snicker and act like your tryna fuck em! its bullshit...


Ursus marijanus
I wish I remember his name ... BuddhaSmoke? He lived in Thailand, shared glorious pics with us, and showed a $100.- kilo brick of some Laotian sativa that looked bunk but smoked very nicely, to hear him tell it.

So the producing regions I know are:
northern Latin America (Colombia to Mexico), and parts of Indochina. cn