commercial grade rolling machine

We are developing a pre-rolled joint for the Washington market. Having problems locating a commercial rolling machine that will not clog up due to the sticky factor. Any suggestions outside of training monkeys?


Well-Known Member
I dont get it?? I have a joint awesome, especially for rolling with those filter tip roach things..


New Member
I forget what it's called - something like the 'zen shooter'. Works great for the home market - not sure if a commercial option exists yet though.

You want something with the 'shooting' motion of filling (filling a pre-rolled 'blank' with material) as oppose to the 'rolling' method (rolling a paper around material). This is because with a rolling machine you can get green clogged between the rollers and the fabric, between the fabric and the paper and you get resin transfer onto all the components which causes your 'stick' problems. With a shooter there are no rollers or belts of fabric to get sticky. Simply load up a compartment with material and it is 'shot' into the paper with a spring action.

As I say, I haven't come across any commercial sized machines but this is what you are looking for. I might even be tempted to draw up some schematics for an automated version capable of producing a high volume every hour if my time would be rewarded ;)

If you do go down the road of designing your own - however you choose to do it - be prepared to pay for patents; I've looked into this myself and the best mechanisms are (obviously) locked down already. And you will incorporate several mechanisms into one machine.

Best of luck to you!

(I like the idea of freezing first btw - May be worth some trials as a low cost alternative to expensive machines ;))