commonly available low THC, high CBD strain?


Chronic muscle spasms, and real, genuine nerve pain. I spend a few thousand of my own personal $ a year for unconventional treatment in addition to tens of thousands the insurance company drops. I do not want corticosteroids but allow them on occasion when it's been a couple of weeks without sleep and need to travel. They have worked a couple of times as part of a spinal nerve block but generally they don't work. I could get anything prescribed for pain, but don't want to end up walking like a junkie, obviously constipated and grumpy all the time. That and they quit working really fast. Not that pain is easy to get along with but I try to manage it.

I don't like THC, there I said it. Stopped by a rec dispensary when traveling and the best thing offered for pain was 19+% THC. I picked up a couple of non-THC patches as well. Expensive for what they do.
Simply choosing an Indica - I know enough that being Indica isn't enough information for me. I bred a little back in the early 90's, crossed everything back with NL mainly to cut down the smell and it usually gave a good stature, structure and flowering time. Then I quit using or even being around it for over 15 years.
I see seed strains out from seedbanks that are 5-6% THC, 5-8% CBD. There are strains from companies which appear fly by night and wouldn't trust which state a small percentage of the plants are capable of producing 1% THC, 20% CBD. You know, the Charlotte's Web rumor. Other than not trusting those sources, it would be too much work to grow 15 plants, clone them all and hope for the best.
If I did want a "little" THC to enhance the effectiveness of CBD for evening use I could just add a dash of something else.
What options? Compact plant required. Short flowering cycle preferred. Can't do anything as smelly as skunk or worse.
Just wondering what options are, not saying I'm going to grow.
There are a lot of 15:1 to 20:1 strains out there but you're not going to find seeds... Mostly clone only strains for now... The CBD crew stains are good but mostly 1:1. Depending on where you live T.J.'s organic gardens in Washington and Oregon supply medical shops with my favorite. It ranges from 14:1 to 16:1 CBD to thc. Very nice lemony flavor, mixes nice with other strains as well.
Those sound pretty sweet, how is the odor and phenotype for space requirments? From what I've read most of those are sativa?
It sounds like you have tried the CBD crew strains - and say "most" are good. Any to avoid because they either have either funky phenotypes with ugly lanky tall plants, bad odor problems or something else that would exclude them from the "most" category?
I have vague memory of maybe trying ... several years ago I'm not going to get this Breeder name right, but something like Barney's which is now advertising some CBD strains. At the time they weren't advertising CBD, or if they were I would have thought CBD was bad... It was an autoflowering lemon something ( not skunk, would not have chosen a skunk because of odor) which produces the most absurdly short plants - as in 9 to 16 inches. Of three seeds, one produced about 12g cured and trimmed which wasn't bad considering it was outdoors in winter and much less than 60 days from seed to finish. The next year tried germinating the other two and one didn't make it, the other I just left in the ground until the frost so instead of the recommended 45 days it went 90... just because I wanted to see what would happen and didn't need the medicine that year. Of course it ended up sucking, being the runt which was barely 9 inches yielding about 3.5g and I can't be a fair judge of potency because those trichomes baked in the sun for 6 weeks after being ready to harvest. However, that might make it useful for a half dozen bedtime CBN cookies. So old, dry, crumbly I wouldn't let it near my lungs.
I now realize this isn't the correct forum for discussing strains, it was just my first day of reading this forum and had the question to ask.
Thanks for the reply.
Those sound pretty sweet, how is the odor and phenotype for space requirments? From what I've read most of those are sativa?
It sounds like you have tried the CBD crew strains - and say "most" are good. Any to avoid because they either have either funky phenotypes with ugly lanky tall plants, bad odor problems or something else that would exclude them from the "most" category?
I have vague memory of maybe trying ... several years ago I'm not going to get this Breeder name right, but something like Barney's which is now advertising some CBD strains. At the time they weren't advertising CBD, or if they were I would have thought CBD was bad... It was an autoflowering lemon something ( not skunk, would not have chosen a skunk because of odor) which produces the most absurdly short plants - as in 9 to 16 inches. Of three seeds, one produced about 12g cured and trimmed which wasn't bad considering it was outdoors in winter and much less than 60 days from seed to finish. The next year tried germinating the other two and one didn't make it, the other I just left in the ground until the frost so instead of the recommended 45 days it went 90... just because I wanted to see what would happen and didn't need the medicine that year. Of course it ended up sucking, being the runt which was barely 9 inches yielding about 3.5g and I can't be a fair judge of potency because those trichomes baked in the sun for 6 weeks after being ready to harvest. However, that might make it useful for a half dozen bedtime CBN cookies. So old, dry, crumbly I wouldn't let it near my lungs.
I now realize this isn't the correct forum for discussing strains, it was just my first day of reading this forum and had the question to ask.
Thanks for the reply.
When I said "mostly" I ment the 1:1 CBD to thc ratio. All the CBD crew strains I've tried have been great. Sounds like you might not like Autoflower strains (although I've had great luck and they do naturally have more CBD) so if that's the case avoid the Med GOM 1.0. But like I said before you can get Charlottes web numbers but not from any seeds that I know of so far. The breeders are keeping that stuff clone only as far as I know. You can get some seeds from i think its humbolt seed collective or some shit, but the genetics aren't fully stable and out of 10 seeds you might end up with 2-3 high CBD plants and you won't know which unless you send your bud to the lab....