Community bong

Genius, actually that seems like it would be the best use of calculus EVER!! Seriously why aren't the engineers solving these issues for us?
I can do this math I just need to find the formulas first. The limiting factor is going to be the average force of vacuum a smoker can create. A small dab fills a decent sized bong.
(Fast top of head estimates)

If we think of a novelty sized straight pipe style they are 5-6 feet long and about 1inch in diameter. If we have a silo that's 20' tall and 6' diameter we need 3×72³=15552 people to move that air. At 1/10g per head we got about 4lbs of oil. That's about the size of a cinder brick we will probably want a chamber4-5× that. Im thinking a wood furnace style thing with a snorkel that we then wrapp with a electric heating coils. The hard part will be getting 16k stoners coordinated enough to take a hit in the same place at the same time
Dose any one know the conversion rate of mass of oil to volume of smoke? Can we convert a grain silo into a giant bong and get 1000 people stoned in 3 seconds? How big would the hot plate have to be?
A water tower might work better. You could even drain the water out so if fills like a giant gravity bong.. Hmm.. although, 1000 people sucking on their own personal tubes, while percolating a huge 6" drain pipe stem submerged into a few hundred gallons of water would be pretty cool! It would take serious lung power to make it work, lol. Maybe even just use a water tanker truck, so you can drive it around? Biggest dab rig ever, on wheels!

As far as coordinating it, I can't really imagine any other place than Seattle Hempfest @ 4:20. Biggest cannabis smoke clouds I ever seen, with over 50k+ people lighting up in under 3 seconds all at the same time, haha.
If you wanted to get the whole town stoned at once. What structure would you use for the chamber. How much flower/or oil would it take to purculate a proper "hit" how many people would it take to force air draw.
I'm thinking about something of a much larger scale used for 100s-10,000s people. Something like a grain silo or water tower with a wood furnace for the bowl peace. Even a tanker truck would probably take 100 heads to purculate. This thread was made to continue a conversation that had started to fill the deals thread

The worlds biggest glass bong is only 24' tall. I think we can beat that!