Companion Planting


Well-Known Member
I just stuck some garlic cloves in my cocopeat in the same pots as my plants, so its going to be getting the same nutes my plants are getting, I have no idea what garlic needs to grow, and I kinda just did it for fun, I'll pull them out if they dont take or if they start to bother me. I also stuck some other pots in the room and im going to water them with the runoff. Ill adjust the Ph and PPM to their needs but they arent getting any fresh nute mix, just whats left in my runoff at watering. I have beats, oregano, and Lemon balm, and might do a few more since I have lots of extra coco kicking around.

does anyone know if there are any plants that can take the same nutrient mix and Ph so I can just water them same as my plants? Or if there are any I should know about that can help ward off pests? Like I said, just doing this for fun during vegg while I still have lots of room to work with.


Well-Known Member
Garlic will do very well with your ladies and provide a nice protection from insects also. I try and keep some in small containers in and around the area I put the girls and have also had them in the same container. Same container isn't the best idea as it will crowd the bottom of the girls, but just a 1 or 2 liter container is enough to grow garlic in. Best tip is plant the garlic on the declining side of the moon for the best results.
There are several other herbs you can container grow in your grow area that will be good to repell insects and have something to cook with also. Just google, sorry I am just too lazy today to grow through my links, maybe later.


Well-Known Member
ahhh ok im going to pick them all out now before they take root, it sounds like they take up ALOT of root space and might crowd in on my plants. I will leave just one in the same pot as the weed just as an experiment.

thanks for the tip,


Active Member
Garlic has very shallow uncompetitive roots. They require minimal P-K and their main need is supplemental Nitrogen. It will not grow well alongside a hungry cannabis plant which runs at much much higher EC levels.

Garlic yield is proportionate to the amount of leaves it grows during it's vegetative phase, which is regulated by adequate N levels.

Source: My garlic farm :)


Well-Known Member
Im not too worried about my yeild with Garlic just wanting to gain the benefit of having garlic protect my plants like ive seen it claimed to do. I was thinking If I could get my hands on some Wild Garlic that would be ideal as it is a very small bulb and more concentrated with the good stuff that garlic has. It will be kinda cool to use it in my food though, I wonder what hydroponic garlic tastes like lol. I may plant a bunch more garlic in a seperate pot, and as you say it requires a much higher concentration of N so I might just Ph the runoff from my MJ and dump the super concentrated EC water right in with the garlic. Indoor gardening is fun, I might go for a full veggie patch while Im at it8)


Active Member
Good thread. I was wondering about this very issue the other day, as was walking around my next seasons outdoor grow area. I've heard that garlic helps ward off the bad bugs and definately am going to be planting some alongside my ladies next spring. Are there any other plants that will also do the same thing? How about plants that attract predator bugs like ladybugs?

I'm fairly new to gardening ( My wife used to be the gardener in the family ) and am constantly trying to learn new things.

What plants should definately NOT be in the vicinity of my Medical garden?

Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Ive read that you definately dont put anything from the spinach family alongside MJ, so no spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts. not sure why though. There are some plants that attrect predatory bugs but I cant remember what they are.

so far Ive found recommendations for mint, garlic, beets, and legumes.
these are more geared towards outdoor growing, legumes for example harbour a microbe that converts airborne nitrogen along the roots of the legume plant and when the plant has died it releases all this nitrogen, its a good conditioner but not really meant to left grow right up next to your MJ. gotta do some more research though, sorry I cant give you anything more than vague answers