Companion planting


so just thought I would let everyone know I have had great success with mixing my veg garden and my cannabis garden. My cannabis plants are actually growing fast then when I had them segregated. Have changed a thing just moved them next to the veggies and blam!!!! instant growth...ok not instant but definitely over night. Has anyone else experienced this??


Well-Known Member
My cannabis is planted amongst about 20 other kinds of plants including flowers, peppers, and avocados.


Well-Known Member
Companion planting is def the way to go. My Mr. Nice plant is currently competing with my cherry tomato plant in a height contest.


Active Member
I also practice companion planting but only with my vegetables.... my mj is at a different location because i cant grow at (mom's orders lol)

Works wonders, especially at keeping away/distracting pests in my garden...i had a small Village of aphids on my sunflower that kept everything else...havent had to use pesticides at all.

One day ill have a whole dinners worth of growing plants, including a pre and post smoke :weed: haha