compare my leaf to diagram please


Active Member
I think I'm going to post in the outdoor section from now on.

My eyes play tricks on me. Does my leaf look any one of the top first three. The light green has been trippen me outfor 2 days. II've been thinikng it has been genetic? What you guys think ?



Well-Known Member
It looks fine.

One of the most important things I learned last year on my first grow was to not over analyze things. If the overall plant looks healthy it's more than likely fine. Last year I got worried over every little thing, purple stripes on the stalk (turns out to be genetic), slow flowering (or what I thought to be slow), fan leaves dying (the original fan leaves yellowed when stretch started), leaf colour, and I'm sure many more things...

Keep 'em green and watered and start to get antsy when something looks WAY out to lunch. It never hurts to ask but just don't stress too much.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree with 1sttimeguy. Looks fine to me, my Purple Cracks wont get darker than that either and seem to be real Nitrogen hungry during stretch. Just keep feeding her :)


Well-Known Member
It looks fine.

One of the most important things I learned last year on my first grow was to not over analyze things. If the overall plant looks healthy it's more than likely fine. Last year I got worried over every little thing, purple stripes on the stalk (turns out to be genetic), slow flowering (or what I thought to be slow), fan leaves dying (the original fan leaves yellowed when stretch started), leaf colour, and I'm sure many more things...

Keep 'em green and watered and start to get antsy when something looks WAY out to lunch. It never hurts to ask but just don't stress too much.
Excellent advice. This is my first outdoor grow and I would over think everything, finally it just got too much and I let it go. Feeling so much better now. I knew my first year was going to be for learning and experimenting. Boy have I learned a hell of a lot this year already. It's going to be so much easier next year I can't wait.


Active Member
UPDATE upon further review I have come to the conclusion that I need to dial in my nutes for the girl. If she gets darker I will post a pic.