• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

“Competition for Your Destiny”


New Member
“Competition for Your Destiny”
“Life is 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You Respond to It”
Does the title of this essay make any fundamental sense to you?

Is it truly original that someone is competing for your destiny or you competing for someone else destiny?

Where as this is pervertedly possibly (as in only possible if you choose a false path of decisions, as in a path of lies and decision(s) contradictive to the Light/Truth/natural reality to your conscience. Thus, if the saying is true and personally, I believe it is, then “life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it”; so regardless of how major the challenge(s), adversity is, its not that it happened that will make the rest of your life astray from your true destiny; but, how you decide to respond to it ( that something that has happened to you).

There are two types of reality in this world: True (original) reality and False (perverted) reality; both of these types of realty stem from the things that influence your mind (images, as in words and/or pictures, sounds, and tings that appeal to your other senses) and how you consciously and or subconsciously respond/act/play/move on these things that can influence the mind.

Now with those two types of reality in this world; there are three types of people that can evolve from the two types of reality in this world: either people who are living life by there original purpose or true reality; thus, on the correct path to their true destiny, as in their God given calling. The second person is people who live their life according to some path that is oppositely inconsistently and contradictive, as in an extremely false or perverted reality to their original reality; and the third and final one is a people who live their life with a various measure of both types of reality in the world, as in both original and perverted truths, these types of people typically false short or in error of their true or original destiny/reality.

With this being said, I will attempt to bring more light on the two types of reality by defining them. Obviously, original or true reality is a path of decisions made by an individual person to oneself or/and to a group that are absolutely consistent with heart and original Truth.

Perverted or false reality typically develops from a path of decisions made by an individual person to oneself and/or to a group; these decisions are inconsistent with heart and original Truth, as in decisions of sins/wrongs and/or lies in particular. This is the tricky one because perverted truth/reality can stem from a lie or sin/wrong that can develop into a truth in the world; for example, if a one person is successful with a lie and another person base a decision they have to make off of the first person’s lie, then you have an example of perverted truth/reality; this circumstance is an iniquity.

Now, with this being said; hopefully you can see that your destiny is in your hands, regardless of what anyone does to change that otherwise; only you can compromise your destiny by choosing and/or continuing o choose the perverted path/reality. Remember, “What God has for you is for you”.
So, it is primitive, as in out of date, in a sense, just plan stupid to live a lie of your morals without reconciliation immediately. The longer you are on a perverted path/reality, the more you risk losing your original/true destiny/reality/God given purpose/Nature.

With this in mind, some people who have chosen our submitted to the perverted course are destined to lead you down the same course; so again, it is necessary to live a life of righteous Truth as soon as you possibly can, so that you won’t fall short and/or stay in error/pervert reality. The devil wants Jesus’ inheritance; thus, these are the ultimate examples of the two types of reality in this world.

Finally, my advice to you should be obvious; to commit to the Truth through the good Truth; that is may your principle in life be of the (good) Truth: from cradle to the grave throughout Eternity.

“There is no competition”
Competition is a distraction and illusion within civil mankind”


New Member
"Are You Stupid as to Believe that You are Competing for Your Own Destiny?"
(Preparation and Faith, not Competition is the Means to Your True Destiny.)

Do not be fooled into conducting (attitude and behavior) yourself in a way that you believe you would have to compete for your destiny. “Competition is an Illusion”, that can serve to be a distraction from you focusing the way you should in preparation to you achieving unto fulfillment of your true destiny.

The path of righteous Truth/Virtue is that that leads to heavenly conclusions of one’s destiny. It is hypothesize that you can ultimately have three destinies: one of evil conclusions, one that falls short of original fulfillment and one of heavenly conclusions. The false ones goals are to make the true and/or good / righteous ones either fall short or in complete error of their original or true destiny. Thus, you can expect darkness and/or trouble to come for a season in your eternal walk from earth, depending on how determined and faithful you are to the Light in response to darkness will determine how long you must have to endure and or persevere it.

It is quite likely that the course you choose in walking out your destiny unto your eternity ever after will be measured by wither the concentration thereof or the period of time thereof you experience it. This is where the saying “you will get out of it what you put into it comes into play”; depending on if you concentrate you time (, and in some cases concentrate your time early) in preparing and seeking out your destiny will probably determining the that the concentration of opposition and/or the soonest of one achieving and/or fulfilling their true destiny.

One thing I truly suggest from my personal experience is to study and/or prepare first and play later. Making conscience decisions and/or discerning your decisions before you commit to them and further refining them with Truth: God’s Word, as in ever developing and consistent divine Truth, including science and math will more and more increase the fortification of you ultimately realizing your true destiny. Thus, the closer you get to God’s divine order the closer to your true destiny, the less and less vulnerable and/or exposed you will be to iniquity and overall attacks of the evil ones, who purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy your destiny.
“Sit at My Right Hand Until I Make Your Enemies a Footstool for Your Feet."‏
Psalms 110:1 The Lord says to my Lord:
“Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet."
Isaiah 16:4 - 5 Let the Moabite fugitives stay with
be their shelter from the
The oppressor will come to an end,
and destruction will cease;
the aggressor will vanish from the
v.5 In love a throne will be
in faithfulness a man will sit on it-
one from the house of David –
one who in judging seeks justice
and speeds the cause of
Matthew 20:23 Jesus said to them, “You will need drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father.”
Matthew 22:44 “he Lord said to my Lord:
“Sit at my right hand
until I put your enemies
under your feet.”
Luke 22:25 – 30 Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. v.27 For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. You are those who have stood by me in my trails. v.29 And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Hebrews 1:13 To which of the angels did God ever say,
“Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet”?
Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
Revelation 3:21 “To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.”

Love God;
Be Faithful to (the God of Heaven and of) Your Heart.,
Homage your love ones to God
Mark Daniels
Consulting that Lasts Eternity : Welcome



New Member
"The Illusion of Competition”


There is no such thing as competition; as I have said in the past, competition is an illusion and a distraction to say the least from one's original destiny/purpose. With this in mind, such means or ideas of this concept (that is competition) is misleading; as embedded into popular culture as it currently is. Competition is a trick that has stolen many of man their eternal reality (that includes the natural and the supernatural).

Understanding this; we must determine (even moreso “remember”) more original and appropriate terminologies/essence; or continue the path of this term of risk and/or deception. Believing this and even more knowing this brings one to a higher/greater state of reality; reality, which can be (depending of the individual) another false, deceptive and /or misleading (mis)understanding because of the perversion and/or corruption that is a result of the many lies and sins that have taken the place of its original state.

Non the less, for some, the original state of Reality ( as in faithful Truth) remains suppressed and ignored as a mechanism of defense to cover up the perverted realities that have developed in their lives as oppose to maturely addressing and thus, overcoming them and their psycho-spiritual effects it has in their attitudes and behaviors. The Truth shall set you free”; even if it hurts sometimes for a season. The reality to apply the absolute Truth in your life is eternal peace of mind; a guilt free conscience. The truth can deliver for those courageous enough to allow it too.

Now, order is the result of Time and Truth purging its course. With order, the obviousness of the illusion of competition is clear and unreasonable; for preparation/practice is the call to achieve one’s dreams/desires/purpose/destiny; thus, risk becomes obsolete. Within Truth and Time all order leads to one’s God’s promise.

Diversity and destiny is more original then competition.

Love God;
Be Faithful to (the God of Heaven and of) Your Heart.,
Homage your love ones to God
Mark Daniels
Consulting that Lasts Eternity : Welcome