Competition from black market means legal marijuana won’t likely be tax cash cow: PBO

$5 per gram = $140 per oz for weed that will be months old or $100 per oz from the grey market micro grows. The users wins and the micro grower still gets $1600 per lb and can provide much greater verity of strains as they are not bound by company rules. Problem here is the retail outlets will want to make money so I can't see them now wanting no less then $1-2 per gram profit, the gov wanting at least $2 per gram tax and the LP left fighting over $1-2 per gram lmfao.
Yup....the retail model is not going to work for them. I knew that 2 years ago. To many players wanting a cut. LOL
no matter which way they turn it just isn't turning into the bonanza of cash they thought it would. I love it.
The People's plant does not go willingly.
It's kinda of sad that there's already a market developed, albeit black, that seems to work for the people....oh...there it is the's almost like the government is trying to reinvent the know to make it
Jesus thats cheap.
Here its $20 per g. And the black market its $25 per 0.8g somes times ok but mostly complete shit quality but they dont require ID and sell to anyone.

Depends who I go see. Sometimes it's $10 per g. Others $15 per g. And that not because one is better than the other. That's just what they ask for it.
once everyone starts growing this shit for EVERYTHING KNOWN TO MAN THAT'S GOOD!!!!!........
People will start realizing just how wrong it was to put a price on such a cheaply grown commodity that it'd have to be dirt cheap in order for other business to thrive.
or everyone will grow it due to that fact and make it cheap...
there is no controlling the peoples plant,,,
aint that right hippy... :)
It's kinda of sad that there's already a market developed, albeit black, that seems to work for the people....oh...there it is the's almost like the government is trying to reinvent the know to make it
Yeah make it safe for the kids as they claim... while they're running spreadsheet analysis on how much they should price it so everyone (every level of government) can make a buck while killing the black market... yeah, right....
Yeah make it safe for the kids as they claim... while they're running spreadsheet analysis on how much they should price it so everyone (every level of government) can make a buck while killing the black market... yeah, right....
because of the Government, they won't be able to wipe out the BM. all they see is $$ so how will they see what works? they hear about the profits from Colorado and want in for sure but they will have to undercut the current BM....which i doubt will happen. how will they make money at less than $5 a g? unless they do that, the BM will keep on going
because of the Government, they won't be able to wipe out the BM. all they see is $$ so how will they see what works? they hear about the profits from Colorado and want in for sure but they will have to undercut the current BM....which i doubt will happen. how will they make money at less than $5 a g? unless they do that, the BM will keep on going
Exactly, I don't sell much rec but if I do it's to one old buddy by the QP and $5/g for top shelf shit you can't even buy on the street. How the f*k are they going to compete with that? I could easily go down to $4/g and still make a buck, no tax and top shelf, when they can compete with that maybe they'll have a chance at killing the BM. If you think stricter laws will be a deterrent all you have to do is look back at the last 80 years, laws will not stop the BM, market pricing is the only chance they have and that won't happen under a heavily regulated industry and closed market.
Nelson is shutting down all the dispensaries. City council has spoken, there little fiefdom must remain as the Albertans and Kelowna poofters want it to be.
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Id fucking laugh in someones face if they asked that much a gram.

It's been that price ever since I first tried it. That was about 2003.

After recently liking it for more than just the high. And getting tired of seeing how little I get for $100. I decided to start getting all the necessary gear to grow my own supply.

I'll be harvesting my first batch around January.
That's about what it is here for a quart. It's so much cheaper to grow it yourself. And you know what's been put in it that way.
$5 a gram for super top shelf organic, $140 an oz. Ive seen stuff from dispensaries that some of my friends bought over the last few months and so far it did not matter whether it was $8 a gram or $12 a gram, it was always laughable. LPs will have to do a lot better. If they legalized it so that recreational weed could be grown anywhere by anyone (like broccoli....) The mom and pop would not have to operate under a black market if they chose to and I think they would play an important role of keeping the LPs price down.