Complementing outdoor veg with indoor artificial light?


Hey everyone,

I live in a tropical area where at max I get 13 hours of light per day and minimum 11 throughout the whole year. I know, this is perfect for Sativas but I love me some Indicas too:weed:

So if I were to start veging some indicas and left them outdoors for the 11-13 hours and brought them in for 5-7 hours to finish the cycle with some simple CFL's would that cause too much stress?

Thanks and peace to all


Well-Known Member
Try this. Hang enough low wattage CFLs in your garden to get good coverage. Lengthen the day by having the CFLs come on 16 hours before sunset. Once the plants reach about 2/3s of an acceptable height, turn off the lights. This will push the plants into a short day. Time this so they will finish at about 11.5 hours(middle of October in the Northern hemisphere). The lights need only stay on an hour. A brief(2-3 hours) dark period before sun rise has no effect.


Thanks for the reply veggie! I'm not sure I follow you though. So you're saying I should turn on the CFL's for one hour a few hours before sunrise to keep it in veg?

Also I don't have the ability to get CFL's outside in my garden, that's why I thought it would be easier to just let them receive the 11-13 hours of daily sunlight, then bringing them in during the night under CFL's in my room for the additional time to keep them in veg... So when I'd like to flower them all I have to do is keep them outside for the remainder time of the grow. Since I can grow year round in this climate and flower whenever.