Complete Meltdown WTF happened??? HELP


Well-Known Member
So I was out partying last night and some bitches were coming over after they had just smoked with my friend and they roll into the house were at and i can tell there pretty high. The two girls had smoked before but very little times. So the one girls starts to like completely zone out. After about 5 minutes of being in there she stands up and starts spinning around jumps on the couch spinning out that she falls of and is hitting shit off the the wall and making wierd noises. Then she starts SCREAMING like it sounded as if someone was getting their leg cut off. So everyone there is kinda sketching out and they tell the girls friend to take her and leave. Well everyone is trying to hold her and she is shoving everyone and ends up completely falling down 2 flights of stairs. We all run down to see if she is ok and she is rolling around in these prickly bushes screaming still. So everyone starts to bolt cause she is bringing alot of attention in the neighborhood. But they put her in a car and drive off. She will not stop yelling and is hitting her head on the window and trying to jump out while were riding around she is saying she wants to kill herself. So we take her to a school parking lot kinda in the ghetto and she is beside a brick wall and just face plants into it. Now she is bleeding from her mouth and head and so we call her sister and they take her to the hospital she was completely out of it, didnt know her name or anything. So i came to ask if this has EVER happened to anyone you know and it wasnt laced cause everyone else was fine and was on the same blunt. I still dont know if she is ok or anything


Well-Known Member
it wasnt laced b/c there was like 4 others that smoked the same blunt with her and were fine but she may have taken something else but wtf makes you like that? acid or something

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Yikes.... cough medicine or something? that DXM can FUCK you UP something first real near-death experience...scary shit...

Hope it all works out man, dont party with those chicks again... not worth the fucked up memories.


Active Member
She could have been on some meds that caused a negative reaction. I saw almost the same thing happen to an acquaintance at a party once. He cleared a milked bong and got all pale. He went outside for some fresh air and the next thing we know he was gone. My buddy who brought him got a call from his dad saying he had called the cops from a pay phone and said he was ODing on weed. An ambulance picked him up and I guess he was only wearing his pants. They said it reacted with his meds. Crazy shit man some people just can't handle it.


Well-Known Member
yea man i had just met them but wont be seeing them again. I mean i thought she went like brain dead it was sketchy as shit. I going to try to find out from her friend if she was on any meds or took anything else.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
My first time smoking a blunt was like that..... :wall:
Around when I first started smoking I chief'd a half of a grape swisher full of some real nice purples, and I was in the car with my friend. When he did turns I could feel every capillary in my brain squishing into my skull with the g forces... The car ride was WAY too much after like 2 blocks and I had to be let out at a gas station. Is was in the middle of the summer and like 105 outside but I didn't even notice I just sat on the curb waiting to come down and like 20 mins later nothing happened and I thought people were going to start noticing me sitting on the curb outside in the heat so I got up and started walking. My friend picked me up down the street again after I cooled of a little and I don't even remember where we went lol

I was trippin nuts in my head but I wasn't rolling around screaming bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Could of been drunk and some kind of attention getter...dumb hoe, hope she's okay. Weird though.


Well-Known Member
she's probably going to tell her parents that some guy beat the shit out of her for not giving up the poon ... she probably did it all on purpose


Well-Known Member
Did she ever have any signs of mental problems, or being sort of off in any way? The room mate of a friend of mine sort of freaked out like that years ago - tore her clothes off, was screaming, said she wanted to kill herself. They called 911, and an ambulance came and took her away. In her case apparently no drugs at all were involved - it was all her mental problems and some sort of break down. Her sister said that she had some problems in the past, but nothing like that. Who knows what set it off.

Anyway, maybe your friend did take something that no one else knew about, but I could see a serious mental problem that was already there being totally set off by too much of something as harmless as weed.


Active Member
dude some people bs about smoking so unless you have seen her smoke or smoked with her, it was probably her first time. i have seen and heard of some funny shit when people jump their "weight" class, i mean how good of smoke are we talking? Mexi brick with .5% thc or some meds with like 22% thc like a kush or something.

here is a lil story i got.

so i was working at this amphitheatre, and one of the dudes i worked with always talked like he smoked alot. So one day i picked up an eight of some dro, dont know what but it was some heat. cuz i had to work a NIN (nine inch nails) show and needed something to blow on for the day. it was around lunch time when me and this dude were sweeping the seating area and he asked me if i wanted to smoke on lunch. then he showed me a bag of some alright reggie but nothing special. so i told him i would roll a blunt on lunch and he could just smoke with me. his responce and i quote " what the hell do you mean by roll a blunt?" so when i pulled out a swisher he asked what i do with it. now this shouls have sent up some red flags but i just thought he only smoked bowls and joints or something. so it was lunch time by this point and i just said come on lets go to the truck and ill show you. we are sitting there and he only takes like 3 hits and quits. im like this is weird i wonder whats up, i ask he just says he is really high so i put it out like half way. we go back into the place and go to the shed where the maintinence people eat and he eats both his lunches in like 5 minute, i mean 2 huge sandwiches, 4 bags of $0.25 chips 2 apple sauces and whatever else he could afford out the vending machine. so after lunch like 6 of us go hide out in the slop room for a lil bit and the dude is one of them, he says he has to go to the bathroom so he walks away from us and goes into a stall, then he started to freak out and scream about the blunt being laced or some shit. i know its not cuz i just smoked the same shit and am feeling just fine. so we calmed him down and we all just went our seperate ways. about 30 minutes later we go and check on him. he is passed out in the stall with his head on the toilet seat in his boxers. we finaly wake him up and he gets dressed, when he came out of the stall i thought he just got out of a pool or something by how bad he was sweating. so at this point i dont even know what to do. so we clear out a spot for him to hide and sleep it off. around 3 oclock or so we get a 15 minute break, so i went to the shed and there is the dude just fine after his napp and he had his mom bring him more food. so about 2 minutes in 2 of my bosses come up to me and pull me out to the parking lot. so i didn't know what to think, am i getting fired or what. but sadly no they just wanted to smoke my weed to see if it was laced, which it wasn't.

but needless to say that was the last, if not only time he ever asked me to smoke. i seriously think it was his 1st time.


Well-Known Member
i mean the shit they had was just some dank stuff no medical grade but very good weed. She has smoked before though cause her friend I know very well told us who I beleive. Idk tho it was so crazy shit for sure she could of been acting but I mean doing the shit she did I doubt it. I also am not sure about her mental state but she has alot of friends so if she was wierd then i doubt they would hang out with her. She might of just been over playing it but i guess ill find out whats up and ill post here maybe in this upcoming week


Well-Known Member
You have to be careful who you smoke blunts with. My first time I tripped, and I been smoking for years. I also know a dude who we had to pull out of a fucking pool in the winter cause he thought he was on fire. Try to remember your very first blunt with good weed.... I don't even bother with them anymore cause they make me light headed. I'll stick to smoking out of my bong or my piece ty very much.


Well-Known Member
You have to be careful who you smoke blunts with. My first time I tripped, and I been smoking for years. I also know a dude who we had to pull out of a fucking pool in the winter cause he thought he was on fire. Try to remember your very first blunt with good weed.... I don't even bother with them anymore cause they make me light headed. I'll stick to smoking out of my bong or my piece ty very much.
"You're not on fire Ricky Bobby!"



Well-Known Member
I dont know bro But could she have been having a stroke?????? You cant really talk when having a stroke just scream and make noise.... Not sure but i hope it wasnt