compost amounts/ overferting? newb


Well-Known Member
bout to start my first outdoor grow, have a good idea of what to do, but i was wondering about compost mixes.

i am going to use egg shells, coffee grounds, mulch, and horse manure in the top 1-3 inches of soil. is that right?

and do i need to use under a specific amount of each? i dont know if you can overfert with compost or not, any outdoorsman who can help?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, your on the right track. The horse only has one stomach, so it can be used "green" if spread out in small amounts, or total 20% when "cured", with 60% good, organic compost, like Lady Bug products. Make notes of all the big time Nute people uses, see & & the organic section- sub cools super soil. With this, I always use molasses, greensand & seaweed from start to finish. Good Luck.