Compost tea mistake


Hey guys I just recently started a compost tea batch 2days ago I used declorinated water, compost, worm castings, insect frass , and liquid seaweed . No molasses since I didn’t want a bacterial dominant tea . Now I hooked up my Comercial air pump to my bubble snake and all is good but what happened was I connected it to a timer since it was the closest Power source and let it brew and then last night my dog went outside and that’s when I didn’t hear my pump and found out my timer wasn’t set to on ,it was on timer :( so it was off when I was asleep and then following day it would turn on my question is it’s been doing that for two days with out me knowing do you think the tea went bad since there wasn’t aeration from 12 midnight to 6am ? I don’t wanna give it to my plants and then they start getting sick