Compost tea question about the foam on top


Well-Known Member
Its been a few times now I got like 6-8inches of foam on top of my tea (Igot about 15 gallons in a 30gallons bin) And I am wondering if you just mix it in with the tea or throw that out? THANKS


Well-Known Member
foam is good. so just mix it back in...or just leave it on top...doesn't matter...if you mix it it will come to the top again...but mix it all in before you take some tea to use...


Well-Known Member
ok Thanks I wanted to make sure because it doesnt look like something one would put on a plant hehe. thats what I had been doing. Also what do you think of my tea bag? I have been trying different things lately, landscape fabric, cheese cloth ... But this time I used a 7 gallons smart pot and I like it. I dont always dilute my teas when I feed it to my mj plants so I keep the amendments out of the tea, good idea or bad idea?

What do you guys do with the amendments? I have a pile that has some used SS and a bunch of amendments from previous compost teas that is composting. So basically, at this point I am reusing the stuff I used to make compost teas earlier this summer.



I use a tablespoon of veggie oil to control the foaming when brewing in a 5 gal bucket. Works well...

I don't reuse the amendments after brewing... I tried to keep them in the beginning and they turn super funky and nasty so I've been topdressing the plants around my yard with it.

I've got a chem dawg out next to the tomatoes that is pissing skunk all through my property... love that roadkill funk!