Compost tea VS Hydrogaurd homemade bennies vs bottled for; hydroponics

Compost tea VS bottled bennie products? can you combine them? also combining compost tea and organic fertilizers with synthetic in a DWC system? it's working so far but it's only been a week. complex compost tea + natural fertilzers plus synthetic in a DWC hydro system. if your conventional not interested looking for people who like to try new stuff and who grow in this passionate hobby and like to have fun trying new stuff. my compost tea consists of worm casting soft rock phosphate g&b buds and blooms michorrizhae plus their citrus fertilizer also with mico and bennies superthrive and chicken soup for the soil ( it has mollasses and milk and whey and stuff for microbe food) as long as I constantly supply the (cultures) in the DWC bucket with troops and foods I should maintain a healthy root zone correct? it is called a DW(Culture) bucket which is a method of multiplying living organisms which makes sterile DWC a redundant phrase for those who have no active cultures in their deep water culture bucket.
I've made a tea to kill what I thought was a virus or root rot, was light leaks

That said it was a nightmare in my dwc tubs. Also most tea's are living and rezz's tend to get dumped/changed too often

My $1.02