Do you pour Sediment from teas in along with the fluid?

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Sup dudes & dudettes,

Coco/Peat grower here.

I've been brewing some basic teas lately per instructions on the package and feeding to my plants. I prefer the feed>water>feed>water method so I've since began incorporating teas in the way of feed>tea>feed>tea if that makes sense. That way I'm not just feeding plain RO with calmag.

One tea I found extremely effective was the following:
5 gallon bucket with airstone & RO water
Xtreme Gardens Tea Brews (whole bag + activator packet)
Real Growers Recharge (1 tablespoon)

Tea 2:
Roots Organics Terp Tea Bloom (Not really digging this one, creates a nasty slime that Xtreme & Recharge doesn't)

My major question is when we're feeding the tea to the plants, recharge especially has a large amount of sediment in the bucket even after 24 hours of brewing.

Are we suppose to be dumping all that sediment into the coco/soil or just dumping the liquid tea only? I understand its a food for the bacteria to get started & multiply although the sediment seems like it'd very quickly clog up mediums like coco and I noticed it would actually clog up my fabric pots so I can only imagine what its doing for oxygen input into the soil/coco when adequately watered through...

I'll do a poll but anyone that wants to share tips or give their methods of tea please feel free!
I put everything im making a tea with into a cheese cloth whether it be sst aact then dump everything left into the worm bin

Thank you for the input. I'm new to teas so always learning. I suppose the sediment is bits of kelp and molasses for the bennies to feed off.

Top-dress with it, add to worm bin, etc. All good options - no point in just throwing it away. Some of the goodies in recharge may not be fully water soluble and rely on the biology to break them down so you'd be losing those additions otherwise.

True I think the Molasses & Kelp are what the sediment is, I'll see how it goes without dumping the sediment in.