Hello guys yesterday when I took acid it feelt my ego dissolving blah blah blah and entering kind of an alien dimesnsion and feelt just like an alien and the experience was making very much sense then I went to park and a world of wondered appeared I was feeling like I was a child again also I was emanating an white vibrant angelic aura and people could actually sense it, so vibrant and the auras of other people it was like a colourful painting and the thing with lsd is that everything makes perfect sens and the after effects lasted pretty long after 12 hours like an afterglow.But now that is over I feel a little cooked haha
))and I was wondering could the most of these realisation under psychedelics be false like it produce an extra using of some glands and that s why u have those "kinda divine moments" because it feelt more like a new age stuff and more an illusion that I was getting wise.Albert Hoffman said if u looked at the experience of the saints and lsd u can t find any difference.I mean Buddha talked about making love and peace but it wasn t like that it was more pure than like "Thimothy Leary" talked about.I wanna her urbopinions thanks