Confused after taking acid


Well-Known Member
Hello guys yesterday when I took acid it feelt my ego dissolving blah blah blah and entering kind of an alien dimesnsion and feelt just like an alien and the experience was making very much sense then I went to park and a world of wondered appeared I was feeling like I was a child again also I was emanating an white vibrant angelic aura and people could actually sense it, so vibrant and the auras of other people it was like a colourful painting and the thing with lsd is that everything makes perfect sens and the after effects lasted pretty long after 12 hours like an afterglow.But now that is over I feel a little cooked haha:)))and I was wondering could the most of these realisation under psychedelics be false like it produce an extra using of some glands and that s why u have those "kinda divine moments" because it feelt more like a new age stuff and more an illusion that I was getting wise.Albert Hoffman said if u looked at the experience of the saints and lsd u can t find any difference.I mean Buddha talked about making love and peace but it wasn t like that it was more pure than like "Thimothy Leary" talked about.I wanna her urbopinions thanks
How do you know that the realizations / perceptions that you had while under the influence aren't the way that humans are meant to naturally perceive the world around them? Renowned LSD chemist, Owsley Stanley was a firm believer in this notion. If that's true, it might explain why this world is as fucked up as it is.
Maybe, possible but know they day after I feel more clear-headed maybe cause of acid idk, anyway it was a great experience but when I closed my eyes I saw couples making sex just like some "gods" but not pretty sure how to described it was beyond words anyway great experience and the susnet was so.beautiful with all kinds of small bugs and other little insects just like a farytale.Anyeay I appreciate your point of view and I take it in consideration!Much love!
I believe it was “real”. LSD just helps access the part of us that can sense or see these things. My time on lsd when I was a whippet snapper definitely changed me and the way I look at the world. Totally different person after those years for sure. Kind of an awakening
Yeah and it feelt like it lasted forever in a way or another but in a good way just like u said an awakening
When I see 'memes' like this one (if it even is one) ..I can't help but wonder if LSD might allow us access to these other wavelengths.

(Pardon the actual image. It's not my cup of tea but the words are)
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The key is to find real lsd25 not sunshine or any other garbage WoW non perf is your best bet these days. Then take 5+ hits and learn how fucked we really our and really die to be reborn.
I find sitting on top of the fridge-freezer for 12 hours with a tennis racket and singing George Formby songs helps put things into perspective.
The key is to find real lsd25 not sunshine or any other garbage WoW non perf is your best bet these days. Then take 5+ hits and learn how fucked we really our and really die to be reborn.
It didn t had any taste the tabs were "anonymus" 200ug now I don t know how pure it was...
Strange how confident you are about that lol. You can make lsd25 the be all and end all of psychedelics for yourself but I think it's silly to go around diminishing other's experiences because of it. None of the other lysergamides are fake or garbage, they all put you in a similar place.
Im confident that blotter with ink that claims 200ug is a research chemical that will lead you astray. from what your supposed to be learning and feeling shrooms and acid are a gift from god ..when RC are a gift from the chinnee.. think then speak
You do realize literally every single drug has been a research chemical at some point right? Just because the experiences you've had with the things that were labeled an rc were bad doesn't mean rc's in general are bad lol. I love my research chemicals, and they came from Canada. 1p-lsd, Ald-52, psilacetin and metacetin are all amazing rc's, and you know who first synthesized ald-52 and psilacetin? Albert Hoffman and I'm sure you know who he is.

Even if the chinese had made it we're all human, capable of learning and doing what another can so I don't see the distinction there.
Saw your wake up thread, I get it now. You really shouldn't just believe everything is as you think, question everything even your supposed definite answers you find.

“My technique is don’t believe anything. If you believe in something, you are automatically precluded from believing its opposite.”

― Terence McKenna
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Psychedelics undo thousands of years of evolution.

Tell me, did it help you grow your own food or make it to work on time? There's a reason humans are the way we are: survival.

When the planet stops being a for-profit war zone then we can go back to being tripped out monkeys
“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

~Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
(pretty sure)

I feel like this applies to a lot of things, whatever helps 'you' be your best 'you' should be your reality.

[<- Probably not the right person to give life advice.]