Confused,does this look like it is ready


Hi,I recieved this plant 1 week into flower and have gone 8 total weeks now into flower,it is suppose to be a purple kush strain but not to sure that is correct.My questions are does this plant look like it is ready to be dried and cured?Also the browning on the leaves does this look like a nute defiency or some kind of fungus,the browning has been going on pretty much ever since I got it,it was a hydro plant but went into soil after I got it as I dont have hydro setup.

I noticed my other plant which is about 3 to 4 weeks into flower is starting to develop the same browning/brown spoting on the fan leaves,my first grow had no spoting or browning,it only happened after I introduced this plant I was given.Under 3 100 watt cfl's.

Any help appreciated!



Well-Known Member
yea she looks done man u better get picking...but she looks like alot of nute burn has occured,may have to flush with water yet it dosent look like u have time for that.But at any rate i would pull personally.


I have actually flushed it the last two weeks or two weeks total today,the brown started before I even added any nutes to my soil so I wasnt sure if this is a fungus on this plant and now has traveled to my newer plant as I did a previous grow in the same type of soil and didnt have the browning issues like this.But thank you ,I thought it was time but just wanted to make sure as my first grow i pulled to early and tastes green.


Active Member
man i was in ur position not 3 weeks ago,,, is it done is it not done,, i did my research n basicaly urs look ready now man, and the factu av flushed it for the last 2 weeks then even better,, u could wait a few more days untill the brown hairs av receeded back into the bud and this cud take u another ten days and looking at the leaves she as give up her best and dont no if going a fewmore days wud pay off any more !!!! good look with ur croppin n choppin n ya buds look dam sweet dry n cure those babys properly n ur gonna av agood smoke !!

dont and i mean dont try n quick dry any of it ur just gonna waste it u wud need the equivalent to 4 joints worth to get one spliff n it probly wont even be that strong at that time,, dont waste ya precious bud man, dry n cure proerly n u will only need little amounts to get a nice joints worth, and u wud need 4 times that amount now to quick dry to get one weak spliff, coz the thc is non active untill all the water content is out of the bud then it becomes active and the bud juts gets better n better y its curing !! ENJOY MAN !!!!!!


Thanks,I will hang for 1 week then cure in mason jars for up to 4 weeks after observing for moisture build up as I have don before.Thanks for the replies on this.


Active Member
There's nothing wrong with sampling the harvest early. It's best to wait because it does improve with curing especially the harshness. I've always found that the dope is pretty strong as it comes off the plant and the potency only improves a bit with curing. I'm smoking some uncured GMatic right now and its kickass.