

Well-Known Member
My buds are hanging. I didn't get a very good trim before I hung them. Mostly anything protruding from the buds but there are still a lot of sugar leaves on them

Anyways my question is when do these suckers go in jars? Its really dry in the closet. 20% rh. The buds feel extremely crispy on the outsides and the stems don't snap but they don't bend easy either.

Its mostly the leaves that seem super crispy. Almost seems like the bud is brittle. But I can tell at the same time the inside of the bud is still green. Help please. Thoughts and recommendations are greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Well maybe they are dry enough....
Maybe trim off the excess sugar leaves and set aside...
Do you have a --> [h=1]Hygrometer ?[/h]
Put it into jar with bud... try to dry to 65% RH...

I use Boveda Packs they help...

Once bud gets to near 65% you are in cure zone...
If you don't have a
Put into jar and burp jars...[guess work]...


Well-Known Member
peace--if your stem(s) bends like a straw, from research that means it is ready to go to jars. if you do not have a hygrometer, you'll have to guess. with my RH near 20% too, it only takes about 48 hours for me to get them into jars and my hygrometer will read anywhere from 64% to 69-70% at that time...

from reading the perfect cure by simon, here on RIU and other forums, he seems to state that it is better to get them to jars too soon rather than too late because once it gets too low of RH (55%) it will not cure anymore. to me, it is surprising how wet the buds do feel when they're actually ready to go to jars! good luck with your harvest!! :-)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the replies. I'm putting them in jars.. so I guess I will see more once I burp them

Are you guys talking about checking the buds themselves or checking the rh inside the curing jars?

I'm sort of confused because I do have a hygrometer but not for inside my jars. My room is at 20% but that's partially because I only had two plants. So I was fighting low humidity vs high humidity.

The buds looks awesome as hell so I'm really hoping I get a good cure since this is my first time round the block


Well-Known Member
hey there peace! i'm talking about something like this:

if you have one that is small enough, put it inside of the jar with your buds. you're supposed to use a bigger jar and have approximately 25% of extra space inside your jar. double-check that information because it could be slightly higher or lower. see "simon's perfect cure" here on RIU. the relative humidity that the space you are growing in does play a part too. say for example, you are in a tropical environment and you have a RH of 70% in your home/growing area. if your jar was showing 64% and you were trying to get it to 60%, opening it up inside of a 70% RH environment won't help. you'll notice if your buds are really wet that the RH shoots up pretty fast. if you show a #% stable for 24 hours, then you know that's the RH you're dealing with and can go from there with the dry/cure process. also note, that if you're in a low RH setting, your buds will dry faster and you'll need to get them to jars faster than say someone who has their stuff dialed in and can dry for over a week. you are aiming to get it in the cure zone which is 55% - 65% RH.