Confusion about grow mediums and which is best for outdoors.


Last year I killed $50 worth of seeds with poor light and overwatering. I don't want this to happen again and I'm thinking about using a different grow medium. I've been researching a lot and coco coir looks the most appealing. But I'm confused about what nutes, if any are required and if it's sutible for in ground use when my plants get to big for my closet. Can you treat it just like soil or is adding things like nutrients and perlite neccasary? I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't wanna keep blowing money on seeds that I kill 2 weeks later lmfao. Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
Since your newer to growing I advice you to do this: Germinate seeds using paper towel inside of ziplock method for a week. Let them crack and sprout 1-2inches. Plant in either a potting soil or even better an organic outdoor mix usually miracle grow carries it typically a green bag, this helps when you transplant it outdoors. Plant your seeds in different pots don't go through the hassle of getting tangled roots by growing to close it sucks when transplanting, put seed into soil doesn't matter what way sprout goes just cover with dirt and water. Now you can either do this in march or May, depending on if you want to grow them inside until it warms up enough outside. If you do go indoors for a bit simply use a CFL bulb it will help it sprout and get some growth. 12on 12off for lighting. Put it outside in good lighting when warm they will grow so quickly with proper lighting and water. Take care of them, transplant them when you the plant has become root bound. You can add nutes like miracle grow or heavy harvest works well for me but don't do this for atleast 4-6 weeks you don't want to over feed them. Any questions just ask. Happy smoking :)


Well-Known Member
Last year I killed $50 worth of seeds with poor light and overwatering. I don't want this to happen again and I'm thinking about using a different grow medium. I've been researching a lot and coco coir looks the most appealing. But I'm confused about what nutes, if any are required and if it's sutible for in ground use when my plants get to big for my closet. Can you treat it just like soil or is adding things like nutrients and perlite neccasary? I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't wanna keep blowing money on seeds that I kill 2 weeks later lmfao. Thanks for the help!
I have some pepper plants growing outdoors in 3 gal-ish containers of coco and they're doing fine. I use dyna gro grow and tap water (HARD tap water of like 400ppm's) without even worrying about the PH, and the plants aren't having any deficiencies, nor have they had their asses kicked by critters. With that being said, you can certainly grow some ganja outdoors in coco.

The biggest issue I have with the containers is that they WILL dry out FAST if left in the hot sun all day, so you've got to make sure you're on top of your watering. Other than that, it's a pretty good medium IMO.


Well-Known Member
Last year I killed $50 worth of seeds with poor light and overwatering. I don't want this to happen again and I'm thinking about using a different grow medium. I've been researching a lot and coco coir looks the most appealing. But I'm confused about what nutes, if any are required and if it's sutible for in ground use when my plants get to big for my closet. Can you treat it just like soil or is adding things like nutrients and perlite neccasary? I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't wanna keep blowing money on seeds that I kill 2 weeks later lmfao. Thanks for the help!
Hi rollaway, coco coir is a good medium but has almost 0 nutrients, it's used a a medium for growing but you have to feed nutes. I haven't used coco, but I wasn't happy with straight-up soil, particularly indoor. Went with a happy medium (excuse the pun) I use Pro-Mix which is similar and mix it with soil, just a local triple mix that has proven to be clean (no bugs/eggs/weeds). For indoor I use 50/50 mix, for outdoor about 70% soil/30% Pro-Mix. I then feed nutes at about 500-600 ppm once the seedlings are established and transplant rout of my party cups, every other watering. I switched to this after a couple of indoor grows with straight-up soil with some perlite, found it still packed too much and I'd end up with flies/bugs. Have gone through about 4 cycles with this 50/50 mix indoor and just finishing an outdoor grow with the 70/30 mix, pretty happy with it and the plants love it, minimal nutes so cost is irrelevant. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
I have some pepper plants growing outdoors in 3 gal-ish containers of coco and they're doing fine. I use dyna gro grow and tap water (HARD tap water of like 400ppm's) without even worrying about the PH, and the plants aren't having any deficiencies, nor have they had their asses kicked by critters. With that being said, you can certainly grow some ganja outdoors in coco.

The biggest issue I have with the containers is that they WILL dry out FAST if left in the hot sun all day, so you've got to make sure you're on top of your watering. Other than that, it's a pretty good medium IMO.
If your not gonna transplant add mulch or cedar chips on top of your soil especially if your not able to water all the time. It helps retain moisture just a thought coco dries out a lot faster to night want a mix. Happy smoking :)