Conservative health critic takes exception with plan to allow homegrown marijuana


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As the Liberal bill to legalize recreational cannabis makes its way through the House of Commons, the Conservatives are holding steady with her objection to home growing.

Gladu motioned for an amendment to Bill C-45 that would restrict Canadians from having “any cannabis plant in their dwelling house.”">Conservative health critic and Ontario MP Marilyn Gladu has been a vocal opponent against the part of the plan that allows for up to four marijuana plants per household. On Monday, Gladu motioned for an amendment to Bill C-45 that would restrict Canadians from having “any cannabis plant in their dwelling house.”

While it isn’t against the law to grow your own fruits or vegetables in Canada, growing cannabis at home seems to have struck a nerve with the Conservatives.

“This is one of the most troubling sections of this whole bill. This is the part where the 88% of Canadians who don’t use marijuana are going to be impacted,” Gladu said on October 3.

“You could have up to 600 grams of marijuana hanging around in the house,” the MP added. “This definitely is not going to keep it out of the hands of children.”

Gladu is also concerned that the law will allow children easier access to the drug, as she explained in the House of Commons this past summer.

“We’ve already established that this is putting marijuana in the hands of children. Not just for the 15 joints that 12 year olds can have, but with the four plants per household that little Johnny can put some in the toaster oven and smoke it up.”

some of the 'substantive debate': "With the 4 plants per household, that little Johnny can go put some in the toaster oven and smoke it up"

— David️Brown️ (@drowbb) June 7, 2017


“People will be calling and saying that their neighbour has five plants instead of four, or that their neighbour’s plants are too tall,” Gladu said last month.

The police chiefs also warmed that growing at home could pose a fire hazard.

he criticized the “very short timeline” for implementation. Currently, the Liberals are planning to have cannabis legalized for recreational use by July 1, 2018.">As a federal party, the Tories generally do not support marijuana legalization. Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer opposes the Liberal plan. In September, he criticized the “very short timeline” for implementation. Currently, the Liberals are planning to have cannabis legalized for recreational use by July 1, 2018.

Scheer added that he’s concerned about the minimum age to buy legal weed, which is set at 18 in the bill. The Tory leader told reporters the “widespread consensus” is that “18 is far too young” for purchasing pot.

Some health officials have made it clear that they believe 21 would be a better age to allow Canadians to legally consume marijuana.

But that’s not the point of contention Gladu brought up this week with her motions put forward during the report stage of the bill. Instead, the Tory health critic says she is worried that Bill C-45 could potentially create a new black market for growers once legalization is implemented.

“Organized crime does get into home grow,” she said in October. “That’s what happened in Colorado. That’s why it shouldn’t have been allowed. This is problematical for all the Canadians that don’t want these unintended consequences.”

With a majority mandate, the Liberals have enough votes to pass the bill without adopting Gladu’s amendment. But the Tories won’t let that stop them from bringing their concerns to the forefront.

“We’re going to continue to criticize this bill as it moves forward and point that out to Canadians,” Scheer said.
Once again proving the neanderthal CONs are just an obsolete subsection of society. As much as we dislike the Liberal version of legalization, it gives us something to work with and challenge in court. The CONs are 'OUTRAGED' that Canadians are being given the opportunity at all.
Once again proving the neanderthal CONs are just an obsolete subsection of society. As much as we dislike the Liberal version of legalization, it gives us something to work with and challenge in court. The CONs are 'OUTRAGED' that Canadians are being given the opportunity at all.
I think theyre more outraged that they can kick and scream all they want, in the end they don't get anything more than that. They can't sway the outcome and its driving them crazy
And just where does she think the black market is currently growing?
Out Feds will see this and the news will talk about the boycotting of poison LP shwags.
No sales are No sale after all.
ANYONE who thinks LP Shwags will sell is in for a rude awakening! (:
To see stocks go up with only 100% hype is them burn...cant even see it coming!
Its like the LPs when they started ...thought they had it made...
You blew it Mofos....
Watch and see how its gonna go! :cool:
This P.O.S. Harpie..has been the absolute worst offender to the mmj movement since its inception...
basically took all the court cases that had made progress over a 15 year period...and with the swoop of a pen
decided to throw all of those people and the things that they had fought for (their constitutional rights) in the garbage.
Like their lives mattered not....all that mattered was what harpie and friends wanted...

They did their best to scrap the mmar by introducing the mmpr...which they expected would fail ...(screwing patients as well as wanna be LP's)
leaving mmj illegal again and peoples access would become non existent.

Fortunately our side was not going to take this lying down...and we fought them and won...of course...just like we have won every time the gov. tried to
impose its will on the people.
There really needs to be some type of legislation in place that will not allow a new incoming P.M.'s to just wipe the( existing fought for in court rules
that had been established over a period of years at the public's expense ) constitution driven litigation to the sidelines and try and enforce mandatory minimum sentences on medical patients and the like.

very fitting picture of the former fuhrer ...hippy...