Conservative Hobbyist Mama in Colorado


Active Member
Think my title says it! Networking and chatting with other Females, Parents, Christians, Ron Paul-iticians and Coloradoans would be great!

I am on my first serious grow, I've tried without trying in the past and lost one plant to spider mites and another to paranoia. Now I'm a little older and a lot wiser and my plants are coming along great:

I have three right now. I started with 4 - one went male, 2 are females and the other is still "undecided." I have vegged for 3 weeks in small quart pots under crap lighting. Finally after a month of that b.s. I moved on to four 48" 6500k 32w T8s in some foxfarm ocean forest soil in three gallon pots and they started to take off. Now its week #9 and yesterday I got myself a switchable HID 250w system for Christmas and moved my t8s to side lighting. I also picked up the foxfarm trio of nutes and I am finally feeling "in the game." Can't wait to see what a different the HID and nutes make, but the preflowers have been coming for a couple weeks so I won't be vegging for much longer. Maybe a week or two and then I'm flowering. I need to flower soon 'cos I am expecting another lil girl and I don't want to be worried about the perfect harvesting moment when I'm in a delivery room.

---------------- Now playing: Peace Officer - Falling via FoxyTunes


Well-Known Member
Welcome ! Fellow Colorado resident .Glad to hear you have things under way . Feel free to ask questions my Journal is linked in my signature.


The HID with the T8 side light will give great bud! FF is good stuff too! Im also supposed to be moving to Colorado for work, may see ya'll one day!


Active Member
Howdy all!

Indican - I took 2 of my 4 t8s and used those for clones - I kept the other 2 as side lights but left the 6500k bulbs, I can't decide if I want to switch them to 2700k but figure its about time. This way they kinda' had a "transitional" period with a couple blue lights...Just a theory though!


New Member
Always nice to see that a few of us conservatives exist on a site of a genre generally regarded to be ultra liberal.


Active Member
Howdy Doc - its funny that mj is considered so liberal. I think the beatniks, hippies and Nixon (?) gave it that image but we know history tells us otherwise (and so do voting records and executive decisions of folks like Pill Clinton).

Farmer - Hello to you too. I do so hate those spider-mites. I'm sure they have a place on the food chain 'n all but they have no place in our gardens! So far my winter grow has been no stress and pest free but I will hit ya'll up if trouble comes knocking, thank you!


Well-Known Member
Howdy Doc - its funny that mj is considered so liberal. I think the beatniks, hippies and Nixon (?) gave it that image but we know history tells us otherwise
I agree, there's nothing either liberal or conservative about appreciating a natural thing. it's like saying I have to be a liberal to go swimming, and a conservative to go hiking.
but I think the liberalism comes the libertarianism of it, and people (sometimes wrongly) associate the two with each other.