Conservative phone rally


Well-Known Member
Had some assclown call tonight wanting my support for hitler and the conservatives lmfao my response was you won't be getting my support! And went into telling him how the conservative government has caused my country and me more harm then good and my wife stopped me. Just wondering if these scum called anyone else and what your response was?


Well-Known Member
so this shit is starting again.....the cons are list compiling...makes me glad i got rid of the home phone
they don't have the right to invade your privacy like this......or at least this should be illegal


Well-Known Member
I gave up bugging the duck(duct) cleaning services.
or was that the other way around ?

They don't call anymore though. :)


Well-Known Member
no calls here, but I would love to keep some minion on the phone for a couple hours so they ain't buggin' folk with a life...good entertainment....after I get bored I'd ask them to kindly fuck-off...hey...if they gonna bug me I might as well play the game, but change the rules!!!!!
