Considering CFLs ? Pro and Con


Elite Rolling Society

For the newbies reading this, I'm a newbie too. There are plenty of more experienced and more knowledgeable growers here at than I am.

Last year I did two Hydro Grows, my first and only two grows until this year. I had two lights, two 85 Watt Spiral CFLs in 2 ten inch reflectors, one red low Kelvin spectrum, and one blue spectrum high Kelvin bulb. Both Grows turned out identical. I started with seed given to me from an indoor SOIL grower friend who had allowed some Northern Lights and some White Widow to mix. After tossing three males, I had three female plants in one 6 cup tank, using a DWC and Bubbleponics System. Both times I wanted to do a FAST GROW, a STEALTH GROW and a Sea of Green Grow. I did not know anything about LST, Stressing, STRETCHING, Pruning, Trimming, Cloning etc. Both times I VEGGed for two weeks and FLOWERed for 8 weeks. Both times I got three "tops" but they were not big and not what I call a cola. Both times I got 2 and half ounces of dried buds. I got 3 buds, 3 or 4 inches long, and lots of two inch buds and dozens of popcorn buds the size of popcorn. ALL the buds were fluffy, and very sweet and tasty. I enjoyed my GROW, I was a very proud grower. Bottom line I got two and half ounces of fluff buds in ten weeks and I was proud and happy.

THEN I CAME TO ROLLITUP.ORG and I read and I studied and I met fdd2blk here.

The most influential post that I read here came from fdd2blk. I owe him a lot. He knows a lot about growing pot and he taught me a lot. He posted back around Christmas that it is not natural to start 12/12 FLOWERING at two weeks on little baby plants. He said it is just not natural, it is like a child getting pregnant and having a baby. He said that if you can, and IF you have the time and space, you ought to VEG as long as you can, at least 2 months or what is close to natural. Here in my part of the country, outdoor growers plant in April and VEGG all summer long. So I tried the same.

Jan 14, I had 6 sprouts, and I started FLOWERing 12/12 on March 20th. My plants were all about 18 to 20 inches tall. I wanted to grow BIG plants so I moved two of them to a 2nd tank to make space and I got 6 additional 85 watt CFL bulbs, and 6 42 watt CFL bulbs, all low kelvin for FLOWERing and all in ten inch reflectors.
I deliberately STRETCHED one plant and concentrated on her. She shared a tank with a 2nd plant. I gave her 5 85 watt bulbs and 6 42 watt bulbs. She got 4 and half feet tall. She had two nice colas, I mean coke can size but longer. I had two bulbs on each cola, 2 inches away. Those two buds are indescribable from the other buds. They are SO VERY DIFFERENT ! NO COMPARISON! They grew white fingers of buds, they are firmer, hardier, stronger, tighter, more compressed, hashier, sweeter, tastier, more sticky and the potency is as strong as I have had in 38 years of smoking. They excel all my other grow's potency tremendously. fROM THAT ONE PLANT, I got the two big colas, a dozen nice BIG buds, and a hundred small fluffy buds. The one 4 foot tall plant gave me 193 grams total of dried buds. The 2nd tallest plant that shared the eleven bulbs gave me 169 grams of dried buds. The one alone plant, although the same age and same height when I started 12/12, only had 3 85 watt bulbs and gave me only 64 grams (slightly over two ounces) of dried buds.

Let's compare. ELEVEN CFL Bulbs = 13 ounces
Three CFL Bulbs = 2 ounces

Duh? Not much comparison.

Let me also add more facts to consider.
I live in a large 1900 sq ft house with central heat and central air. We have lots of pets, fish and birds and we have a large power bill all the time, like $150 a month.
Whether I am growing or not, my power bill stays $145 to $ 155 a month. When I added the additional bulbs, my power bill did not go up.
I did not do anything about VENTING, or COOLING. I did keep a fan on them at all times. This last GROW was started with the Central Heat on, and finished with the Central Air Conditioning on. All those bulbs did not add to the room's heat that I could notice. I paid $29 each for the 85 watt bulbs and $9.95 for the 42 watt bulbs. I am ordering 3 new 105 Watt CFLS now that just became available for my next grow.
HIDs are better, but they are much HOTTER, cost more and not easy to move around.
CFLs are PERFECT for a small SOG, for STEALTH, for low budgets, low heat and small personal grows, in my humble opinion.

This old world is made up of many kinds, many types, different personalities, religions, races, colors, etc. We drive Cadillacs, Kias, Toyotas, Nissans etc and although we are in different cars, we all ride.
And this POT GROWING World is made up of different types too. Soil and Hydro Growers, Indoor Growers, Outdoor Growers, Organic and Natural, Chemical and High-TECH, Primative and Ghetto, Small Personal Use Growers and Commercial BIG For Money Growers. We are all different ! We do it different too.
I feel sorry for the grower trying to grow with 2 23 watt CFLs. He might get an ounce of Fluffy buds, but it is doubtful. BUT, He is Growing, he is part of rollitup, he is learning and he is having fun too. God Bless him.

We'll continue to debate and discuss CFL vs HID, SOIL vs HYDRO, Catholic vs Protestant, Jew vs Muslim, etc........ and the world will grow on!

Dirty Snoob

Active Member
WOW!! you are without a doubt my hero! What does CLF mean and where can I get them? I am considering a DWC Bubleponics system or an aerogarden. Which would you think is better? Will you help me through some of the setting up process for my first grow? I have grown a little in the old closet years ago, but never to your level of success. Plus I have never done any kind of hydro system before so the nutes and all are going to be very new to me. I am going to need someones or somethings assistance.


nature is nurture

Active Member
CFL = compact flourescent light you can get them at any home improvement store that sells light bulbs or just any store that sells light bulbs

and ps good read, rose


Elite Rolling Society
WOW!! you are without a doubt my hero! What does CLF mean and where can I get them? I am considering a DWC Bubleponics system or an aerogarden. Which would you think is better? Will you help me through some of the setting up process for my first grow? I have grown a little in the old closet years ago, but never to your level of success. Plus I have never done any kind of hydro system before so the nutes and all are going to be very new to me. I am going to need someones or somethings assistance.

Sure, I'm here to help. Almost a year ago, I was where you are.

Be reading the threads listed under my signature here and especially look at the pics.
A lot depends on your space to grow, how much room do you want to use, and are you the "change my own oil in my car" kind of guy, a do it yourself kind of guy or are you the "I'd rather pay someone else to do it" and rather just buy a kit?
Be reading, a successful Grow depends on knowledge and that knowledge can easily be found here. Lots of good helpful folks here.

Dirty Snoob

Active Member
I'm all about price. This is for my own personal supply, not for selling purpose so I want to do it right, but I don't necessarily need to have a huge amount going at once. I have a whole bed room available for space so I should be good. Just don't know what system to get or what accessories. Have any suggestion? How about nutes, which are the best. I read in your threads that oxygen plays a huge role so I can easily get stones and a pump. Give me all the juicy details, I'm all ears.

Dirty Snoob

Active Member
also I am a do it yourself kind of guy, but if building a system is only going to save me $40 or $50 then I would just assume buy one. Its worth it if I don't have to buy commercial grade anymore.


Well-Known Member
im currently doing a CFL grow, i got 4 CFL's veging 3 plants in a cooler, rather creative setup i think but it seems like the leaves are getting yellowish, i know its from the lights but they are 11 inches away like ur suppose to have em. so i duno if getting more CFL's would be a good idea, i got good ventilation aswell.


Well-Known Member
what if i built a box that housed lights on all four walls using cfls so the light penetrated everywhere


Well-Known Member
Gosh dude those are good results using CFL's , perfect for a small personal grow . So how many weeks was your last grow in total ? HID all the way .


Well-Known Member
Good post Roseman.

This is something I've been going on about for some time - that what works for one person may not work for someone else and vice versa. Low energy, low cost, low heat and low lumen output compact fluorescents and linear T5 fluorescents can, do and will produce good results when used intelligently in stealthy closet grows. They'll never produce the same kind of quality and yields of HID systems though, but for many people that isn't a problem.

I'd like to pick you up on a couple of points though. Firstly, you mention that adding low wattage CFL's hardly shows on the bill. It might 'hardly' show on your bill, but on someone elses it will and it's very much calculable as to how much CFL's will push up your energy bill. It's a little misleading to suggest that the you won't notice them on the bill.

Secondly, you rightly highlight the point about CFL's being a lower heat output light than HIDs - they are, but they still put out heat and still need adequate ventilation. Ventilation serves two primary functions as you know, to supply fresh co2 and to control temperatures. You still need co2 regardless of the heat output of the lights and it's helpful that you can probably get away with lower cfm fans with CFL's than with HIDs, but that temperature still needs to be controlled. Best not to mislead people into thinking they can get away with no or little ventilation bcause they'e using low heat output CFL's.

Used as part of a proper setup CFL's and T5's can be a very cost effective way of growing your own bud.


Well-Known Member
once you go HID you will never go cfl again unless you are forced. in the future standard lightbulbs will be gone and cfl will be the primary option. it is yet to be seen but i am sure at some point they will regulate the mercury in these hid lamps much closer


Elite Rolling Society
im currently doing a CFL grow, i got 4 CFL's veging 3 plants in a cooler, rather creative setup i think but it seems like the leaves are getting yellowish, i know its from the lights but they are 11 inches away like ur suppose to have em. so i duno if getting more CFL's would be a good idea, i got good ventilation aswell.
CFLs in the 23 to 42 watt range should be two inches away. The 65 to 85 watt bulbs should be 3 or 4 inches away. If you can touch the bulbs, surely the plants do not get too much heat. Put your lights clower. The yellowing might be the nutes. I looked at your pics, and you need to decide if you want to stay with CFLs or go ahead and get some HID lights. If you stay with CFLs, I'd sugest that you invest in some bigger refectors.


Elite Rolling Society
what if i built a box that housed lights on all four walls using cfls so the light penetrated everywhere
That would help and be a good idea. One good point to using the CFLs is they are very mobile. If you get the 10 inch reflectors with the built in sockets and clamps, you can use ropes or chains and direct the lights easily in any direction.


Elite Rolling Society
Good post Roseman.

This is something I've been going on about for some time - that what works for one person may not work for someone else and vice versa. Low energy, low cost, low heat and low lumen output compact fluorescents and linear T5 fluorescents can, do and will produce good results when used intelligently in stealthy closet grows. They'll never produce the same kind of quality and yields of HID systems though, but for many people that isn't a problem.

I'd like to pick you up on a couple of points though. Firstly, you mention that adding low wattage CFL's hardly shows on the bill. It might 'hardly' show on your bill, but on someone elses it will and it's very much calculable as to how much CFL's will push up your energy bill. It's a little misleading to suggest that the you won't notice them on the bill.

Secondly, you rightly highlight the point about CFL's being a lower heat output light than HIDs - they are, but they still put out heat and still need adequate ventilation. Ventilation serves two primary functions as you know, to supply fresh co2 and to control temperatures. You still need co2 regardless of the heat output of the lights and it's helpful that you can probably get away with lower cfm fans with CFL's than with HIDs, but that temperature still needs to be controlled. Best not to mislead people into thinking they can get away with no or little ventilation bcause they'e using low heat output CFL's.

Used as part of a proper setup CFL's and T5's can be a very cost effective way of growing your own bud.
BabyGrow, you are right, I agree. I had a large closet in an empty spare bedroom. I kept an oscilating fan blowing on the plants 24/7 and during the cold months of Jan, Feb and March, I had the central heat on and in April and May, I had the Air Conditioning on. I had 4 themometers in the closet and it stayed 70 (on a cold winter night) to 85 on a hot summer day. The cental air and Central heat played a major role in keeping the room temp safe.
Also during the cold months, I only had the two bulbs. After the outdoor temps were getting warm, I added more lights and also turned the air conditioner on.
but everything you say is right. For some with a smaller closet or not having Central Air conditioning, and a FAN, the temp could pose a problem.


Well-Known Member
Great post, Rose. Props to you. We had this discussion/argument last week. I also believe HIDs are superior but there are times when CFLs are the best option, for the reasons you rightly pointed out.

rural hick

Well-Known Member
i am using T5 (108 watt 2 lamp 4'), T8 (64watt 2 lamp 4') and 12 CFLs. my closet floor space is 48"(T8 is longer than 48" [48 1/2"] ) x 24". i have 12 plants. i have been vegging for 2 months. this week after feeding all go on 12/12.
i rotate plants because of the space and lighting variables. the T5; plants respond ok. the T8; the plants just seem to stall. but when they're turn to come to the CFLs every one begins to grow like a fast annoying weed. some plants were as close as one inch from the 26 watt CFL(s) and during the day burnt themselves growing into it. all lights are in the same space.
my opinion and my opinion only .. CFLs are good for my environments. really my light bill has not changed. first month was $98 and last bill was $75..(go figure and your mileage may vary).
i am considering tomorrow going and get 2 more light bars and 12 more CFLs ..till i get the correct ballast for my parking lot light homemade HPS. and i will be ready to flower.
merry christmas.


Active Member
You can get really high quality CFL's. I bought a 200Watt Sun Blaster CFL with reflective ballast. It has 6500 Kelvin and 22,000 Lumens, i went to my local home improvment conglomerate and bought about 8 23 watt cfl's with Y splitters and light clamps and a few other item's by the time i was done i had spent the same amount of many it would have cost me to get the 200watt sunblaster with ballast. Trust me. even if your going to grow in a small box or closet and want to use CFL's your better off getting one unit instead of a bunch of little one's it saves time effort and money and is much safer. you dont have to guess which parts to buy in order to keep your wattage under control. visit your local hydro shop and spend the extr $20 to get one unit, these lights even come in 150 Watt and 250 Watt
I bought the 6500 Kelvin for vegging obviously and when its time to flower i will buy the 200watt 2700Kelvin bulb.