Considering getting a card

Hi. I live in Denver and I am considering getting a card. I have a chronic case of eczema. I wake up in the morning I have blood on the sheets and layers of skin under my fingernails(I have no control of itching when I sleep, I just ich and ich and ich....). I have various lesions on my legs, two the size of a dollar bill on my calfs that constantly ooze blood and plasma, which greatly increases my risk of catching just about every disease out there. I currently use various steroids on my lesions, but they make my skin paperthin. To complicate matters I have eczema on my......manparts. It looks like I have a major STI, and sex will actually open up the sores causing bleeding. It is non-contagious fyi.

After reading on the internet about how this plant can actually relieve pain and the intense desire to itch my skin, I have tried over the past three months Hemp Oil, Smoking, and a combination of smoking/oil. Everything I have just about read on MJ is true. The oil/smoking combonation has eradicated my eczema. Now I want to grow it for myself, legally.

I have no knowledge of how to obtain my MMJ card. Who do I see, what do I say? I would like to grow it for myself for obvious smoking, but I want to look into making my own oil too. Can I even get a card for my cronic case?

For the first time in twenty years I wore shorts in public last week. The power of this plant is amazing. Thank you for reading and offering any knowledge you have.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your battle with eczema. My older brother has been fighting it his whole life, and also uses cannabis to ease the pain of the constant itching that you know all to well. It is amazing to see how much it helps relax him and his skin to a point of being able to live a normal life.
You can easily get a MMJ card for your pain!! You are in chonic pain, one of the ailments that MMJ is available for. If you have a Dr. that you already see, I would just ask them. Just be honest. Cannabis really does help you with your pain, and it is your right as a Coloradoan to have access to cannabis as a medical patient. If your personal Dr. has a problem signing it (and I personally would ask WHY NOT?? if they said no..), then go to a Medical Marijuana Dr.'s clinic (or whatever they are being called now..) and I would be VERY surprised if you had any trouble at all getting your card.
I wish you good luck and happy/heathy plants once you are legal and growing!!


If your Dr. will not recomend cannabis to you, get a copy of your recent medical records with the condition, it will make it easier for the next step(going to a compasionate Dr.)and getting your card. Glad to hear that cannabis is working for you.


Hey itchyandscratchy, sorry to hear about your situation. I work at ADG Herbal Medicine in Englewood.

LoS3r and bshdctr are absolutely right-see your Dr. 1st then go to a MMJ Dr. if he wont help you (then find another real Dr. because he sucks if he wont help), but you dont NEED medical records, its usually cheaper and faster if you do though. Your condition is much easier to diagnose than an internal problem, so dont worry if you dont have any records.

Basically, you can go on craigslist and type in "MMJ dr. referral", or look in health and beauty section in the newspaper. Depends on where you live but there are tons of Dr.s that do just MMJ referrals, I know 2 that i can refer you to if you are closer to the south and 1 that is closer to Westminster. (Not trying to advertise! I dont make anything from Dr.'s.)

There are also lots of topical lotions, balms and oils as well that should help your skin too, aside from just smoking and edibles. is also a great site to find dispensaries once you get your card. they show reviews, menus etc.