Consumers Have Been Finding Bugs in Bud Purchased from the Ontario Cannabis Store


Well-Known Member
just like we said it would!
All you LP wanna bes are gonna SHIT THE BED..

RedeCan, a cultivation company already facing a product recall over mold, says it uses the tiny mites instead of pesticides to prevent spider-mite outbreaks.



6 hours ago

November 28, 2018

Adam Drury

Courtesy of Reddit User u/fuckthesysten

Canada’s nationwide legalization of cannabis was supposed to drive out the unlicensed, unregulated retail market. But in Ontario, cannabis consumers are increasingly turning away from the province’s legal suppliers and returning, some of them quite happily, to their underground sellers. Why? Because the Ontario Cannabis Store, currently the only legal, licensed and regulated retailer in the province, keeps messing up. Since sales began in October, OCS has faced a massive customer privacy breach, misdirected orders and incorrectly labeled products, recalled products for mold and, most recently, sold buds with bugs in them. At least half a dozen cultivation lots have filled OCS orders with bud containing insects. Even more frustrating for consumers, the OCS is so far refusing to recall any pest-contaminated cannabis.

OCS Won’t Recall Cannabis Contaminated with Bugs
News of the bug-contaminated bud spread like wildfire on Reddit. Hundreds of Redditors posted pics and vids of the little guys curled up in the flowers: most dead, some squirming a little, some leaving behind only their burrows. Some buyers, reviewing their haul for their YouTube channels, didn’t discover the bugs until viewers pointed them out in the comments. Others found the bugs right away.

Attempting to warn as many Ontario cannabis consumers as possible, the Reddit thread included a list of the lots the bug-riddled buds came from. All of them belong to the Canadian cannabis company RedeCan. OCS regulators have already recalled weed from a RedeCan lot over mold contamination, so consumers expected a similar response to the bugs. But so far, OCS has refused to recall the affected products. In fact, they’re still selling them.

Gleaned from the Reddit thread, these are the affected lots and specific strains to look out for:

  • B.E.C. Lot: #2B1L2, packaged 8/3/2018
  • Shark Shock. Lot: #1B2L3, packaged 10/24/18
  • White Shark. Lot: #2B1L1, packaged 8/7/18
  • White Widow: Lot: #3B1L2, packaged 7/20/18
  • Wappa. Lot: #3B1L3, packaged 8/6/18
  • Shiskaberry. Lot $4B1L1, packaged 8/15/18
Are Bud Bugs A Big Deal?
RedeCan’s company homepage says “quality is king.” Ontario cannabis consumers who found mold and bugs in their bud might beg to differ. Mold is definitely a sign that your cannabis is bad and you should absolutely not smoke it. But are bugs a sign of bad or low quality weed?

While definitely an unpleasant discovery, the fact is that bugs don’t necessarily indicate that weed is bad. In fact, insects can play a vital role in the cultivation process, helping to protect plants’ health without the use of pesticides. Indeed, that’s exactly what a RedeCan spokesperson said in response to the bug complaints. Speaking with CityNews on a tour of a RedeCan facility, President and Master grower Rick Redecop said the company uses a tiny mite to stave off outbreaks of spider mites—a death sentence for any cannabis crop.

Using the predatory mite means RedeCan doesn’t have to resort to pesticides. And that accomplishes two things for the company. In the first place, they ensure they won’t run afoul of Health Canada’s extremely strict testing requirements for pesticide ingredients. And second, RedeCan can boast about its “organic” growing methods. “We know that [the bugs] do not have any sort of ill effects. It is actually a safer product because we don’t use things like pesticides,” Redecop said.

Pesticide use, however, is quite common among unlicensed and unregulated producers. Weaned on these chemically-treated products for years—products that look perfect—bugs are an unwelcome and unfamiliar sight for many smokers. That said, customers can be forgiven for not wanting to see the little critters in their pricey legal cannabis, even if they are harmless.
Instead of predator mites I'm using homemade garlic/peppermint spray. Also growing garlic with the plants, separate pots.

Gotta love old hippy tricks ... heres another - spread some daisies in your garden as they have natural pyrethrins ... helps to keep the bugs away

Yet another one - if planting outdoors throw a bunch of lavender seed down around and in your garden area ... the smell of lavender repels deer and other critters who would like to get high on your supply
We knew this stuff would happen.......glad to see the public is getting an education in who not to buy cannabis from.
BOYCOTT and be happy and save money...trudy is nothing but a back ally dealer anyway.
Never buy drugs from a stranger.
So looking at those pictures of the bug infested herb, it looks like those bugs are too big to be predator mites and they also have the distinct structure I would tend to associate with some form of beetle

Predator mites my ass
Gotta agree...the predator mites for fungus gnats for instance don't go above the earth. itself. Plus they are tiny and would be invisible basically if they were on buds. They don't live in the canopy at all from my knowledge.
Those bugs look beetle-ish to me as well.
Buncha liars..........imagine charging those prices and then deny the bugs are an issue....
This is the scum they are made up of.
BOYCOTT and stay bug free.
I'm guessing like most new growers RedeCan released every possible predator they could find. I bet spray too.

The black ones in the weed pictures look like stethorus punctillum


I bet they did this exact thing and as a result recieved a lesson in the food chain and how an ecosystem works

They probably released all sorts of critters which got rid of any bad bugs but as a result the predator bugs were left to feed upon each other and it just turns out that the bugs in the pic were the ones that won the war ... just a thought

Also I suspect that they're using a low temp kiln to dry their crop which is why the bugs are still in the weed to begin with ... for outdoor crops you let cannabis dry naturally with no added heat so that any bugs that are on the plant willingly vacate the area whereas if you try to quickdry your bud the bugs that are on your weed will dry out with it before they have a chance to vacate the area