Well-Known Member
behold, the trumptard in his natural state, easily confused by facts.HUH!?
behold, the trumptard in his natural state, easily confused by facts.HUH!?
^^look at that, just look at it.These women are a disgrace to Moms everywhere. Try raising your kids like a real parent. Teach them to be respectful to others and to GO TO WORK. When they get out of line give them the wooden spoon.
These women are the very reason are cities are being destroyed. Nobody taught these self righteous shithead children right from wrong and now they spray paint and destroy things that aren't theirs. All the real MOMs of the world are shaking there heads at these idiot MOMs standing in the street
OKBehold a piece of shit American who slanders and tries to put people down. Who you voting for Biden?? Kanye?? get your economy head right asshole.
So, take it you are not an American?Behold a piece of shit American who slanders and tries to put people down. Who you voting for Biden?? Kanye?? get your economy head right asshole.
So, take it you are not an American?
Look who the POTUS is, a malicious psychopathic moron with a professionally assessed IQ of 78, if you support him or the republicans you are stupider than Trump and he's dumb as a stump.I am totally american!!! but some how some way people destroying our country, spray paint BS on anything they can get to is cool with people and they would rather hate cops and (INSTIGATE) them and cry when their ass gets pepper sprayed or beat down. All this shit is pathetic we look like a country acting like spoild brats throwing a tantrum on the floor.
im voting for the guy who got us out of the great recession, not the guy who put 46 million americans on unemployment and gave us a $6 trillion dollar deficit.Behold a piece of shit American who slanders and tries to put people down. Who you voting for Biden?? Kanye?? get your economy head right asshole.
Was the beating by Trump's goons on that nonviolent Navy vet appropriate?I am totally american!!! but some how some way people destroying our country, spray paint BS on anything they can get to is cool with people and they would rather hate cops and (INSTIGATE) them and cry when their ass gets pepper sprayed or beat down. All this shit is pathetic we look like a country acting like spoild brats throwing a tantrum on the floor.
onoz! they spraypainted a fence! better send in the secret police and make them disappear people, that'll work!I am totally american!!! but some how some way people destroying our country, spray paint BS on anything they can get to is cool with people and they would rather hate cops and (INSTIGATE) them and cry when their ass gets pepper sprayed or beat down. All this shit is pathetic we look like a country acting like spoild brats throwing a tantrum on the floor.
what will your username be then?Fuck this thread im growing pot...see you all in November
Do you not realize that a lot of the violence is being caused by domestic terrorists radicalized through the internet?I am totally american!!! but some how some way people destroying our country, spray paint BS on anything they can get to is cool with people and they would rather hate cops and (INSTIGATE) them and cry when their ass gets pepper sprayed or beat down. All this shit is pathetic we look like a country acting like spoild brats throwing a tantrum on the floor.
It will work the other way, they will take over the country, no need to leave, the other guys will
Hey coward. You spoke up and I just asked a clarifying question. You turned tail and ran like a dog afraid of getting beaten.Fuck this thread im growing pot...see you all in November
Hey coward. You spoke up and I just asked a clarifying question. You turned tail and ran like a dog afraid of getting beaten.
I'll ask again and give you a chance to regain your manhood.
Was the beating of that navy vet justified?
LulzWas the beatings from the rioters on Trump supporters valid? Were the murders of black on black crimes that are increasing do to lack of police in areas due to protests and riots valid? Is any of this chaotic bullshit valid???? I mean, fuck dude come on we can go back to back with this shit. The point of me leaving the conversation as you can see after being attacked by little men with big words is to save myself from engaging in this meaningless pitter patter..
Sorry im just not that interested, I would rather help people grow pot...Peace!
it's always valid to beat the shit out of nazis.Was the beatings from the rioters on Trump supporters valid?